domain realm mapping

Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Fri Apr 1 07:45:01 EST 2005

Preetam Ramakrishna wrote:
> Hi,
>          On unix machines, the kerberized client (eg: telnet) look for
> "domain realm mappings" in the /etc/krb5.conf file. So, when I run
> "telnet", the client would appropriately request the
> KDC a service ticket for host/ at REALM1.COM 
>         Is there anything equivalent to this on a win2k workstation
> which is configured to be a part of the non-windows kerberos realm.

The krb5.ini on Windows is the same as a unix krb5.conf, and the KfW
Kerberos libs will use the domain realm mappings.

If you are using the windows kerberos libs, via SSPI, the
server_principal_name parameter of the InitializeSecurityContext
routine can take the form: <service>@<host>@<realm>
so the application can provide all three.

Windows also implements referrals, were the client asks the KDC
for a ticket. The KDC can then return a referral to the client to
try a different realm.  But this requires (1) KDC has a data base
of host realm mappings, (2)KDC has referral code, and (3) client
understands what to do with a referral. Windows code has all three.
AD can find hosts in its forest. AFAIK, referrals are not yet implemented
in non windows Kerberos. The IETF krb-wg and Kitten WG are addressing
these issues.

SecureCRT, and PuTTY can use either MIT KfW or SSPI and can allow the user
to provide the realm when using the SSPI.

> Thanks,
> Preetam
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  Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444

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