LOCAL NYC UNIGROUP MEETING: 20-MAY-2004 (Thurs): Kerberos

Unigroup of New York ugny-0405 at unigroup.org
Tue May 18 22:49:21 EDT 2004

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LOCAL NYC UNIGROUP MEETING: 20-MAY-2004 (Thurs): Kerberos Interoperability

IMPORTANT: Please note our new location:

		104 Washingon Street
		Between Rector St and Carlisle St
		In the Wall Street area.



      When:  THURSDAY, May 20th, 2004    (3rd Thursday)

     Where:  <<<< OUR NEW MEETING LOCATION >>>>
             Alliance for Downtown NY Conference Facility
             104 Washington Street
             Downtown, New York City

             ** RSVP Will No Longer Be Required for Entry! **

      Time:  6:15 PM - 6:25 PM  Registration
             6:25 PM - 6:45 PM  Ask the Wizard, Questions,
                                Answers and Current Events
             6:45 PM - 7:00 PM  Unigroup Business and Announcements
             7:00 PM - 9:30 PM  Main Presentation

     Topic:  MIT KERBEROS 5: Introduction to Authentication and
                             Cross-platform Interoperability

   Speaker:  Jeff Altman, President,
             Secure Endpoints Inc.


   Kerberos provides secure login facilities for Unix, Linux and
   Windows.  Our speaker for this month's Kerberos meeting (and the
   planned OpenAFS meeting) will be Jeff Altman.  Unigroup members
   will remember that Jeff is a past Unigroup speaker (of Kermit95
   and Telnet Security Working Group fame).  Jeff has been working
   with a series of well known security related projects for many

   Unigroup has the following meetings planned over the next few
     - Solaris 10 Launch Event - Field Trip to Sun Microsystems
     - OpenAFS - Jeff Altman (followup presentation)
     - Zope / Web Development - Zope Corporation


   MIT Kerberos Version 5 is the basis for the Kerberos distributed
   with Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Red Hat Linux, Debian, MacOS X, OpenVMS,
   and just about every other Kerberos distribution other than the
   Heimdal distribution and the implementation built into Microsoft
   Windows 2000 and subsequent releases.  MIT is directly responsible
   for three Kerberos products:

     - MIT Kerberos 5 for Unix/Linux
     - MIT Kerberos for Macintosh which is bundled with MacOS X
     - MIT Kerberos for Windows

   The current releases of MIT Kerberos 5 for Unix/Linux (1.3.3)
   and KfW (2.6.1) are available from the MIT Kerberos web site:


   The MIT Kerberos 5 release 1.3.3 release fixes bugs and adds
   one major feature:

     - Support for AES in GSSAPI has been implemented.  This
       corresponds to the in-progress work in the IETF (CFX).

   MIT Kerberos for Windows 2.6 release includes krb5 release
   1.3.3 and provides enhanced integration with the Microsoft
   Windows Kerberos implementation as well as OpenAFS for Windows.

   In addition to developing the leading open source implementation
   of Kerberos, the MIT Kerberos Development Group contributes more
   than half of the document authors within the IETF Kerberos
   Working Group.  MIT's participation has been crucial to ensuring
   that all of the major implementations of Kerberos (including
   Microsoft's) adhere to the published standards to facilitate

   This talk will provide an introduction to the Kerberos 5
   authentication protocol; a detailed overview of the MIT Kerberos
   implementation; a discussion of interoperability concerns which
   developers and administrators face when implementing and
   deploying a multi-platform Kerberos infrastructure; and some
   demonstrations utilizing the GSS on Linux, Windows, and Java.


   If your organization would be interested in providing a grant
   to further Kerberos development at MIT.  Please contact
   Marshall Vale, Team Leader, of The MIT Kerberos Team, at
   <krbcore at mit.edu>.



   While RSVPs will _NOT_ be required for this location, please RSVP
   if you know you are attending, or if there is a high probability
   that you will be attending.  This will help us determine the
   correct amount of food and refreshments.  Please RSVP by two days
   prior to the meeting day (the food must be ordered in advance).

   To REGISTER for this event, please RSVP by using the Unigroup
   Registration Page:
   This will allow us to automate the registration process.
   (Registration will also add you to our mailing list.)

   Please continue to check the Unigroup web site and meeting page,
   for any last minute updates concerning this meeting.  If you
   registered for this meeting, please check your email for any
   last minute announcements as the meeting approaches.


   Outline of the Main Presentation:

   In this talk, Jeffrey Altman, from Secure Endpoints Inc., will
   discuss the Kerberos 5 trusted third party implementation.

   The topics will include:

     - Introduction to the Kerberos 5 Protocol and Why It Works.

     - Overview of the MIT Kerberos 5 Implementation for
       Unix/Linux/MacOS X and Microsoft Windows.

     - Discussion of Cross Implementation Interoperability and
       Single Sign-On (SSO).

     - GSS API bindings (C, Java, and Microsoft's SSPI).

     - IETF Kerberos Working Group Status Report.


   Web Resources:

     Kerberos: The Network Authentication Protocol

     The MIT Kerberos Team

     The Kerberos Network Authentication Service

     Kerberos FAQ

     Step-by-Step Guide to Kerberos 5 Interoperability
     (other Kerberos links are also on this page)


   Speaker Biography:

   Jeffrey Altman, is the President of Secure Endpoints Inc., and is
   a long time open source developer and participant in the Internet
   Engineering Task Force.  Jeffrey's current projects and roles

     * MIT Kerberos. Core team member. http;//web.mit.edu/kerberos/

       Contributor to the Kerberos 5 library and applications; and
       lead developer of the Kerberos for Windows product.

     * OpenAFS. Gatekeeper. http://www.openafs.org

       Lead developer for the Windows port of OpenAFS client
       and server.

     * C-Kermit and Kermit 95. Contributing developer.

       Kermit 95 Program author. Responsible for all security and
       network protocol stack components.

     * OpenSSL. Contributing developer. http://www.openssl.org

     * Project JXTA. Director. http://www.jxta.org


   Company Biography:

   Secure Endpoints Inc. specializes in providing support and new
   development for open source products on the Microsoft Windows
   2000/XP/2003 family of products.



   O'Reilly has been kind enough to provide us with some of their
   books, which we will continue to raffle off as giveaways at our

   Addison-Wesley Professional/Prentice Hall PTR has been kind
   enough to provide us with some of their books, which we will
   continue to raffle off as giveaways at our meetings.
   Addison-Wesley also has a new end-user discount, available
   through their User Group program.  We will be announcing the
   details at our next meeting!

   Unigroup would like to thank both companies for the support
   provided by their User Group programs.

   Note: The chances tend to be about 1 in 5, that any attendee of
   our meeting will walk away with a fairly valuable giveaway
   (ie. many of these books are valued between $30 and $60)!

   Novell has provided us with some SuSE Linux Distributions.

   IBM has provided us with some IBM Tote Bags and Linux Penguins.


   Fee Schedule:
       Yearly Membership (includes all meetings):      $ 50.00
       Non-Member Single Meeting:                      $ 20.00
       Student Yearly Membership:                      $ 20.00
       Non-Member Student Single Meeting (with ID):    $  5.00
       Payment Methods: Cash, Check, American Express.


   Complimentary Food and Refreshments will be served.  This includes
   sandwiches such as turkey, roast beef, chicken, tuna and grilled
   vegetables as well as cookies, bottled water and assorted beverages.



     Alliance for Downtown NY Conference Facility
     104 Washington Street
     Wall Street Area
     Downtown, New York City

   This building is located on the West side of the street. Cross
   Streets: Between Rector (South) and Carlisle (North) Streets.

   Our meeting location is in the Lower West Corner of Downtown,
   North of the Battery Tunnel, South of the Downtown Hotel,
   East of West Street, and West of Greenwich Street.  Walking West
   on Rector Street from Broadway, you pass Church, Greenwich then
   Washington Streets.

   There are multiple blocks of parking lots right there, between
   Washington and Greenwich Streets, starting at the Battery Tunnel
   and extending North for a number of blocks.

   Nearest mass transit stations, in order, are the '1/9' (Rector
   Street), 'R/W' (Rector Street) and the '4/5' (Wall Street).


   Please mark this meeting on your calendar and join us!
   Please tell your friends about Unigroup!



   We have a series of meetings in the works:

   - Kerberos - Jeff Altman - May 2004
   - OpenAFS  - Jeff Altman - Planned
   - Solaris 10 - Launch Event - Field Trip to Sun Microsystems
   - Zope / Web Page Development - Zope Corporation - Planned
   - Unix/Linux/BSD and Wireless Communications/Security
   - IPsec
   - DNS
   - Unix 30th Birthday Celebration
   - iSCSI, Serial ATA, and other new peripheral technologies
   - Unix Clusters and Clustered Databases
   - Linux Clustering Part 3: Beowulf version 2
   - Building a Firewall using FreeBSD and Linux
   - High Performance Internet Servers / Web Acceleration
   - Unix Office Tools: Word Processors, Spreadsheets, Accounting Packages.
   - PKI
   - GNU Development Environments
   - Meetings on a variety of Sun/Solaris/Java topics

   Please let us know about any other meeting topics that you may be
   interested in.  Potential speakers on Unix related technology topics
   should contact the Unigroup board at ugny-0504 at unigroup.org.



   Unigroup would like to thank IBM, and our speaker Bill Sandve, for his
   presentation on "AIX / AIX5L Overview and Futures".  Bill flew in
   from Texas for this meeting and presented a broad history of AIX,
   past, present and future.  Unigroup members were briefed on various
   IBM proprietary initiatives with AIX, which are not generally known
   to the public.  We also learned about specific areas where IBM is
   focusing future AIX development, and various features in AIX which
   will support the next generation of IBM Unix/Linux systems.  We also
   discussed the ways in which multiple instances of AIX and Linux can
   co-exist together on a single hardware system.

   We would also like to thank Dan Dantzic of the IBM Linux Center of
   Competence, for hosting our Field trip to IBM, and Jim Gleason of the
   IBM Linux Cluster Group (and NYLUG), for finding us this Field Trip
   meeting location at IBM.



   Unigroup is one of the oldest and largest Unix User's Groups serving
   the Greater New York City Regional Area since the early 1980s.  Unigroup
   is a not-for-profit, vendor-neutral and member funded volunteer
   organization.  Unigroup holds regular and special event meetings
   throughout the year on technical topics relating to Unix and the Unix
   User Community.  Unigroup is also the Greater NYC Regional Area Affiliate
   of UniForum - an International Unix Users Group.

   Unigroup holds regular meetings planned for (at a minimum) the Third
   THURSDAY of Odd Months.  We generally try to hold Field Trip Meetings on
   the Even Months, although we will have the ability to hold monthly
   meetings at our new downtown meeting location.

   Planned meeting dates are: 5/20/2004, 6/17/2004, 7/15/2004...
   Watch for our Special Event meetings at the various trade shows in NYC
   as well as "Field Trips" to the facilities of local hardware and
   software vendors.

   = For Unigroup Information, Events and Meeting Announcements be sure to =
   = visit our World Wide Web Home Page:                                   =
   =       http://www.unigroup.org                                         =

   For further information or to get on the Unigroup Electronic Mail Mailing
   List send an EMail message to:
        ugny-0504 at unigroup.org

   To contact the Board of Directors of Unigroup, send an EMail message to:
        ugny-0504 at unigroup.org

   To contact the Newsletter Editor, send an EMail message to:
        ugny-0504 at unigroup.org

   If you have recently attended a meeting and you are not receiving
   Email announcements, please send us an Email and we will make
   corrections to our lists.

   Please Email the Board with any suggestions, especially potential
   meeting topics and speakers.  Unigroup welcomes contributions and
   content suggestions for our newsletter.  Unigroup is a volunteer
   organization and we need your assistance!  Please let us know if you
   can help!



   CeBit 2004

   The CeBit Show is coming to the Javits Center in NYC on these dates:

     Tue  May 25  10:00 AM -  5:00 PM
     Wed  May 26  10:00 AM -  5:00 PM
     Thu  May 27  10:00 AM -  3:00 PM

   For more information, or for complimentary online registration, visit:

   SIA Show - TMC2004 - Securities Industry Technology Management Conference

   The SIA Show is coming to the Hilton New York in NYC on these dates:

     Tue  Jun  8  12:00 PM -  6:00 PM
     Wed  Jun  9   9:00 AM -  6:00 PM
     Thu  Jun 10   9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

   For more information, or for complimentary online registration, visit:

   *Please let us know about any local trade shows which may be of interest
    to our membership, and are not listed above.


I hope to see you all at our next meeting!

-Rob Weiner
 Unigroup Executive Director
 ugny-0504 at unigroup.org


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