Unable to d/l kerberos-2.5 for windows because i don't have IE 5.01(unavailable)

steve hauser sth1300 at msn.com
Mon Mar 1 12:43:33 EST 2004

Hello, I'd like to use your kerberos for my Win98 system but it won't d/l because I have IE 4 and IE6 sevice pack1.  Apparently the installer sees this as a modified IE4.  So I'll have to try aanother method to install kerberos, do you know of any?  MSN has made IE 5.01 unavailable except on their Win2000 systems.  Thanks.  Steve HauserrFrom Martin.Grant at fmr.com Mon Mar  1 15:46:41 2004
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Hello.  I am running MIT Kerberos 1.3.1 on a Solaris 8 machine.  When
ftp'ing to the machine using the kerberos ftpd binary my ftp stops after
reaching a 2GB limit.  This doesn't happen with native Sun ftpd.  Will
compiling 64bit fix the problem?  Looking through the code for ftpd it
appears mostly ints are used.  And sizeof(int) is 4 regardless of whether I
compile -m32 or -m64.  Only sizeof(long) changes from 4 to 8, when using
-m64.  I doubt this will fix the problem.  Does anyone have any experience
along this line?

Thank you for the help,


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