problem with the kinit_prompter in kfw 2.5

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Mon Feb 16 16:55:40 EST 2004

According to the CVS archive, the last version of KfW kinit.exe to 
behave as you describe was KfW 2.0.  KfW 2.0 prompted for the password
prior to calling krb5_get_init_creds_password() because it was designed
to obtain the krb4 tickets first.  As of KfW 2.1, the kinit_prompter
function is registered as the prompter and it is called as a result of
krb5_get_init_creds_password() without a password being provided as an
argument.  Hence, the password is only prompted for once.

Jeffrey Altman
KfW Maintainer

Beata A. Pruski wrote:
> I have hard time to get the posix prompter to run under kfw 2.5. Here is the 
> scenario:
> - kfw 2.5 on Windows 2000/XP (with all the service packs/hotfixes/patches)
> - user with the expired password tries to initialized tickets v.5 via kinit:
> 	kinit -5
> The result of the above is 
>  "Cannot find KDC for requested realm" (KRB5_REALM_UNKNOWN (-1765328230L).
> Shouldn't it run knit_prompter instead (which eventually should call 
> krb5_prompter_posix) giving user an opportunity to change the password? At 
> least that is what used to happen in previous version (kfw 2.1.2 for sure). Am 
> I missing something here?
> Thanks,
> Beata
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