Kerberos error 52 (0x34) when using kinit

Wells, Bruce Bruce.Wells at
Fri Dec 10 12:45:53 EST 2004

Hello Douglas,
Thanx for the response. I'll get the latest version from MIT and try


-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas E. Engert [mailto:deengert at] 
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 8:57 AM
To: Wells, Bruce
Cc: kerberos at
Subject: Re: Kerberos error 52 (0x34) when using kinit

Wells, Bruce wrote:

> Hello All,
> I'm getting the above error when I try to get the initial ticket using

> kinit. The KDC is Windows 2003 and the client is running on linux. My 
> understanding of kerberos and the KDC in particular is that if the KDC

> can't send the response back via UDP it will switch over to TCP. My 
> question is this: Does the client need to programmactically take an 
> action if it recieves this error or will this be taken care of "under 
> the hood"? Also the client side (linux), is there a way to force the 
> communication to occur using TCP?

Depends on the release of the Kerberos. MIT 1.2.x did not support TCP,
1.3.x does. Its a recent addition to Java as well. Theylibs wil switch
as needed.

The krb5.conf [libdefaults] udp_preference_limit = nnn can be used to
tell the client to use TCP if the message is over nnn bytes. Setting to
1 in effect says try TCP first.

The problem is the ticket is large due to the PAC being included from
(IIRC) W2003 servers have a lower cut over size then W2000 servers.

> TIA,
> Bruce E. Wells
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  Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444


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