PKINIT Standard

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 3 12:41:34 EST 2004

>>>>> "Sam" == Sam Hartman <hartmans at MIT.EDU> writes:

>>>>> "Nebergall," == Nebergall, Christopher <cneberg at> writes:

    Sam> Briefly, there are not many open issues left.  Once these are
    Sam> resolved the draft will presumably enter working group last
    Sam> call which takes two weeks.  Then there will be an IETF last
    Sam> call which takes two weeks.  Assuming no issues requiring
    Sam> significant work happen at either stage, the draft will be
    Sam> placed on the IESG agenda for their approval.  The earliest
    Sam> this could happen is January 20, 2006.

Or rather January 20, 2005.

    Sam> For a draft this complicated I'd expect at least some
    Sam> concerns raised by the IESG.

    Sam> So earliest possible date for approval is January 20.  More
    Sam> likely, approval in February with some reasonable chance of
    Sam> much longer than that.

    Sam> In the grand scheme of things, this is very close to
    Sam> approval.  I would not expect any more protocol changes
    Sam> unless someone finds something unexpected.

    Sam> --Sam, speaking only for myself
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