leash32 2.6.4 issues

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at columbia.edu
Wed Aug 4 17:31:08 EDT 2004

matt cocker wrote:
> Sorry but I used the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel. I will retry it 
> to confirm this. Windosws XP machines don't have this option anyway but 
> you can rdp to them.

Windows XP != Terminal Server.

Terminal Server supports the redirection of %WINDIR% and references to 
does not.

Are these domain accounts?  Are the profiles roaming?
Does the domain have terminal servers in them?

> They are four separate XP machines each with leash 2.6.4 installed and I 
> am logging into the console not RDP. I was saying that only one out of 
> four machines is working. Since I said that the fourth machine is not 
> working now. It seems something is destroying the krb5 ticket in the 
> cache. If I reauthenticate with afscreds leash finds the new ticket.
> does afscreds or leash renew tickets and tokens?

Both afscreds and leash renew tickets and tokens unless they are 
configured not to.

What is obtaining the tickets you are expecting to find in the cache?

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