Password Expiration, winXP client

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Fri Apr 30 14:22:00 EDT 2004

I have just tested MIT KDC 1.3.3 with two machines.
One which is part of a Windows domain which uses cross-realm
trust with a MIT KDC to perform login.  In this case the
password change does not appear to work on expiration.

In the other, I have the XP machine using the MIT KDC as the
authenticating realm directly.  In this case, change password
operations are taking place as expected.

Can you provide more details about your workstation configuration?

Jeffrey Altman

William G. Zereneh wrote:
> Hello,
> In reference to the posting from:
> J-F Cloutier jfclouti at 
> Mon Mar 10 11:33:37 EST 2003
> Regarding:
> "Password Expiration, win2k client"
> I am experiencing the same problem with Windows XP sp1 clients using
> pass thru authentication
> My kdc is MIT Kerberos 5 release 1.3.1
> Problem: 
> Users with expired kerberos password can not login to Windows XP client.
> Windows would complain that the password is expired prompt the user for
> a new one, then complain that the domain is not available.
> Any resolution to this problem?  I can not seem to find any reply to J-F
> Cloutier posting; at least non to the list.
> Any thoughts on this problem?
> Thanks

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