Default ticket lifetime

Lukas Kubin kubin at
Wed Apr 7 11:19:15 EDT 2004

That's really surprise. I wonder if there is any reason for such constraint.

I have 2 more questions:

1. Don't you know then, if there is some parameter of pam_krb5 module 
config to force it to try to get a longer lifetime? (I mean equivalent 
of "kinit -r somevalue -l somevalue")

2. By default I don't get renewable ticket, even if I should (the 
principle is allowed renewable). I only get it, when I specify it with 
parameter of kinit. Can I change this behaviour?

Thank you.


Sam Hartman wrote:
>>>>>>"Lukas" == Lukas Kubin <kubin at> writes:
>     Lukas> What do I need to configure on Linux KDC to have longer
>     Lukas> default tickets (ie. the lifetime when I use kinit without
>     Lukas> parameters)?  
> MIT's kinit uses a hard coded default lifetime.  This is sort of
> unfortunate.

Lukas Kubin

phone: +420596398275
email: kubin at

Information centre
The School of Business Administration in Karvina
Silesian University in Opava
Czech Republic
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