Can't change kerberos password on Active Directory with kpasswd

Tareq Alrashid tma at
Fri Apr 2 13:11:38 EST 2004

Make sure you are using MIT Kerberos 'kpasswd', and NOT the Sun SEAM 1.0.
I was bitten with this a year ago, while authentication works using Sun's
their kpasswd is NOT compatible with MIT's.


Tareq.Alrashid at CASE.EDU - ITS Middleware
10900 Euclid Avenue, CRAWFORD 422, Cleveland, OH 44106-7072
USA - VOICE:1-216-368-3559, FAX:1-216-368-3165

|-->-----Original Message-----
|-->From: kerberos-bounces at
|-->[mailto:kerberos-bounces at] On Behalf Of Tyson Oswald
|-->Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 09:47
|-->To: kerberos at
|-->Subject: Can't change kerberos password on Active Directory
|-->with kpasswd
|-->I have setup kerberos (to Aactive Directory) authentication
|-->on Solaris 8 with SEAM 1.0.  I can authenticate withut any
|-->problems, but if I try and use kpasswd to change my
|-->kerberos password I get the following error 'kpasswd:
|-->unable to get host based service name for realm
|-->'.  My /etc/krb5/krb5.conf file looks like
|-->        default_realm = MYREALM.NET
|-->        default_tkt_enctypes = des-cbc-md5
|-->        default_tgs_enctype = des-cbc-md5
|-->        MYREALM.NET = {
|-->                kdc =
|-->        }
|-->I have looked on google and didn't see any references to
|-->this error.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
|-->thank you,
|-->Tyson Oswald
|-->Kerberos mailing list           Kerberos at
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