kerberos 1.3.1 compile failure on Mac OS X Server 10.2.6

Alexandra Ellwood lxs at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 7 16:54:13 EDT 2003

Sorry for the slow reply.

>I am trying to compile a Kerberos service on Mac OS X 10.2.6.
>I stopped trying to compile Kerberos  1.3.1 due to:
>"Note that a stock krb5-1.3 build will not be able to share
>credentials with the Kerberos that ships with Mac OS X (KfM) because
>it does not support the in-memory credentials cache used by the Mac
>and Windows MIT Kerberos releases."
>My questions are:
>A) Which version of krb5 will I need to support the in-memory 
>credentials cache?

Currently there is no release of MIT Kerberos which supports the 
in-memory credentials cache used by Kerberos for Macintosh and 
Kerberos for Windows.

>B) Where can I get this source or binaries? (If for example I need 
>version 1.2.6)

If you need source for the version of Kerberos for Macintosh in 
10.2.6 you can get it off the Darwin website 
<>.  You will 
need to agree to the APSL, and you should note that we do not 
recommend customizing KfM -- Apple will not support it and software 
updates may break your machines.

>C) Will this version compile on Mac OS X 10.2.6 or do I need the 
>server version of the OS?

Kerberos for Macintosh sources should compile on Mac OS X 10.2.6, 
however no support will be provided if they don't. 

If there is some functionality of Kerberos for Macintosh which you 
need for your Kerberos site, please file a bug with Apple here 

Hope this helps,

Alexandra Ellwood                                               <lxs at>
MIT Information Systems                     

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