encryption algorithm used by kerberos

Luke Howard lukeh at PADL.COM
Fri Nov 14 21:19:45 EST 2003

Triple DES, RC4 and AES are supported by many Kerberos
implementations, in addition to DES.

-- Luke

>From: <Kent_Wu at trendmicro.com>
>Subject: encryption algorithm used by kerberos
>To: <kerberos at mit.edu>
>Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 16:43:29 -0800
>	In the kerberos authentication process, it does encryption a lot to guarantee the security. Hoever from the
>materials I read it seems it's using DES encryption method behind it which is not considered safe anymore, so
>are we going to use a more advanced algorithm or we've done that already?
>Kerberos mailing list           Kerberos at mit.edu

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