Kerberos and gssapi

Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Mon Nov 10 09:26:58 EST 2003

R Howard wrote:
> All,
> I am not sure this is the right forum for this but I figured I would give it a try.
> I am trying to help out a programmer who is using the gssapi to create their own code similar to the gss-client and gss-server sample routines.  Unfortunately, they are having some problems.
> In our setup we are using a Microsoft KDC and a Solaris 8 workstation as a client.

On what platform is the applicaiton server? 

> I have managed to compile the gss-server and gss-client sample routines.  I have been able execute them without a problem to verify that the Solaris box has been set up correctly - basically that the configuration files are correct.
> The problem the programmer is encountering is that the code they have written using the gssapi gets to a point where it dies on a rpc_100029.x (where x is usually 1,2 or 3)  error.  Usually it is dying because this file does not exist.

Is this on the client or server side?
Which file does not exist?  
Does the appliciton server have access to the server keytab? 

The Kerberos GSSPAI does not use RPCs, so this might be an application problem. 

If you look at the ticket cache on the client, has it got a ticket for the server?

Do you have any networ trace of traffic? 

> Any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated.

> Thanks.
> R. Howard
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 Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
 Argonne National Laboratory
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