Cannot resolve network address for KDC

Mario Hockx mario.hockx at
Thu Jan 23 14:47:57 EST 2003

I don't know if this fixes your problem but here are some hints.

Check on conflicts between FQDN, hostname and IP-address. Those three parts
must be able to resolve to each other since they are used in several places.
The (server)principal in a KDC is a hostname, check Kerberos config files
for naming and IP-adresses, check DNS entries, check IP-address network

If this doesn't help try to sniff the network packets in the session, this
wil tell you what is going on.

Best regards,
Mario Hockx.

""D J"" <djnews at> wrote in message
news:F100IKaOSbsShdbRMy600002bbc at
> I am setting kerberos with samba3.0
> I am getting following error when I run kinit :
> kinit(v5): Cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested realm while
> getting initial credentials
> I have proper entry in my krb5.conf file for default_realm.
> All How-Tos and docs say it's cause of DNS problem.
> But that is fine on my setup :(
> What configuration changes are required ?
> Help on this will be appreciated .
> -DJ
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