Build problems : Kerberos for Windows 2.5

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Wed Dec 3 00:21:12 EST 2003

You will need to provide a bit more context as the location of the 
initial error.  You do not need to include the CRT source files in
your INCLUDE path.

Jeffrey Altman

shivakeshav santi wrote:
> Hi,
>    I was successfull in building kfw-2.2-beta2. on Windows XP professional. I am trying to build the 2.5 version but it is giving me errors :
> I have all the paths and Includes set up as specified in the release notes. Initially it gave me the following error :
> Cannot find excpt.h file. So I included C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\src\crt\ in my include path. But Now it is giving me the following error :
> Error C2189: # Error : Use of C runtime library internal header file.
> I would appreciate your help in this regard.
> Thanks,
> Shivakeshav Santi
> Software Consultant
> Ecco Select 
> Kansas City
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