information about kerberos network authentication protocol

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at
Thu Aug 28 02:03:23 EDT 2003

>>>>> "prashant" == prashant navale <navale_prashant2001 at> writes:

    prashant> hello sir, this is prashant. i want the information
    prashant> about kerberos network authentication protocol for the
    prashant> seminar. so plz try to help me out of this as early as
    prashant> possible.
If it's for a seminar, I asume it's not the DETAILS you want so read
the 'Dialoge in Four Scenes'. It describes the Kerberos authentication
protocol very easy.

If you want more detail, "The  Moron's Guide to Kerberos" is also very

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