Post-installation rlogin error

Breeze Howard bhowardNOSPAM at
Fri Sep 27 13:24:10 EDT 2002


Thank you! Thank you!  That was it.  I hadn't even looked at that, because I
was looking for something more Kerberos related.  /etc/hosts didn't even
list the FQDN, just the short version.  I learn something new everyday. :)

Thanks again,

"Mike Friedman" <mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU> wrote in message
news:200209271634.JAA20239 at ack.Berkeley.EDU...
> On Fri Sep 27 08:13:55 2002, Breeze Howard said:
> > But this error is found in the /var/log/krb5kdc.log
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Sep 27 10:11:42 citest krb5kdc[22017](info): TGS_REQ (1 etypes {1})
> > UNKNOWN_SERVER: authtime 1033135885,
> > bhoward at TEST.ACNS.FSU.EDU for host/citest at TEST.ACNS.FSU.EDU, Server not
> > found in Kerberos database
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Breeze,
> Notice that the KDC thinks the server principal is 'host/citest', not
> 'host/'.  Your Solaris system's /etc/host probably
> has the 'short' hostname as the default.  The Kerberos libraries do
> a gethostbyname(gethostbyaddr()) of the IP address of the server host
> to figure out the host service principal name.  You'd have to change
> /etc/host so that the default hostname is the FQDN of the host.  (Or
> else register the host principal using the short form of the hostname,
> which is probably not a good idea, since there might at some later time
> be another host in your domain whose first portion is also 'citest').
> Mike
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mike Friedman                             System and Network Security
> mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU                    2484 Shattuck Avenue
> 1-510-642-1410                            University of California at
> http://ack.Berkeley.EDU/~mikef  
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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