Books on kerberos

Eric Lee Steadle esteadle at
Fri Sep 20 17:04:50 EDT 2002

Well, I read the same 150 piece of garbage you're probably referring to and I
know what you mean.

The book that I learned the most about Kerberos from was "Windows 2000
Security" by Roberta Bragg (New Riders Publishing). While this book is Windows
oriented, it does a very good job of explaining the basics of Kerberos.
Chapter 5 is called "Kerberos in the Raw" and takes a OS independent look at
the protocol. From the introduction of that chapter:

"Before you begin the study of MS's implementation of the Kerberos standard,
and certainly before you compare their implementation to those from other
vendors, it is important to study the standard itself, uncooked -- in the raw.

And that's exactly what it does.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: kerberos-admin at [mailto:kerberos-admin at]On Behalf Of
Leong Tim
  Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 3:00 PM
  To: kerberos at
  Subject: Books on kerberos

  What do you think is the best book I could get on kerberos?  The only thing
I could find is some 150 page piece of garbage.  Any ideas?


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