Legal Notification

Anthony Baratta, CISSP info at
Sun Sep 1 19:23:23 EDT 2002

Legal Notification 
You are herby informed that (under the privacy act), the International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2  has sold your information including,  
Name , 
E-Mail address,  
Residential address,  
Credit and savings information, 
Social Security information,    
and Occupation details.  
This information has been sold to a third Party \ Parties and this E-mail serves as notification for such action. 
This information was sold under the premise for marketing and research. 
Under the privacy act you may request to see in writing any information that we have about you. Please write to the following address with a self addressed envelope. 
860 Worcester Rd.,Ste 101 
Framingham, Ma 01702 
If you have any questions about the third Party \ Parties please inquire with them. The International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2 is no longer  responsible for the information sold. (ISC)2 Will hold no responsibility for damages and loss suffered by the reader of this E-mail. (ISC)2 is not responsible for the actions of third party companies. 
Upon written request we will consider deleting records that we currently hold about you. A processing fee of $ 10.00 will apply. 
Please make out this check to (ISC)2 and an application form will be mailed to you in order to complete this request. 
Please visit our web site for more information about our organization 
If you decline this offer by the 31 Sep 2002 a charge of $50 will be deducted from your account. This charge will cover services that our organization provides to secure the internet. 
Thank you  
Manager of Professional Programs 
Anthony Baratta, CISSP 
abaratta at 
Contact E-Mail  info at 

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