Invitation to join Psyplomacy
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Sun Nov 3 16:39:13 EST 2002
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New Online Journal on the Psychology of International Relations
We would like to invite you to help develop an online journal on the psychology of international relations. We would be delighted if you would write an article and visit the forum.
Psyplomacy is a new global network of psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists aiming to promote the application of their skills and knowledge to international relations.
To get an insight into Psyplomacy, please read "Winning the War on Terror," "Security through Dialogue," and "Winning Hearts and Minds- Iraq and the Arab World." Please respond on the discussion forum.
Psyplomacy's vision is to
Deliver an online journal on the Psychology of International Relations
Facilitate dialogue and better international relations
be a useful resource for those working in international relations
We have no political, religious or national affiliation. Our aim is simply to make a contribution to global security and better international relations.
To get involved:
Write an article
Contribute to the discussion forum
Join the Editorial Board in your country
Conduct some semi-structured interviews
We look forward to hearing from you and will be delighted to receive your feedback.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr Nicholas Beecroft BSc. MBBS. MRCPsych. MBA
Director, Psyplomacy.
We hope you find this interesting. However, if you do not wish us to contact you again, please reply with "remove" in the subject line.
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