Renewable ticket ?
Nicolas Williams
nmw at
Wed May 8 09:32:24 EDT 2002
I have added an option, -E, to klist here which causes klist to print
the number of seconds left to TGT expiry and the number of seconds left
to TGT renewal limit - as with -s, exit status is set to 0 if there's a
valid TGT for the given ccache's default principal, 1 otherwise.
With this one can write a script to check all ccaches, renew the
renewable ones which would expire soon, warn users about ccaches that
can't be renewed and then wait a reasonable amount of time before
starting again. And if a ccache's user is no longer logged in then you
can even let the tickets therein lapse.
I can post the klist diff if you wish. The rest is upto you.
On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 12:35:54PM +0200, Marc wrote:
> Nils Olav Selåsdal wrote:
> >
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: kerberos-admin at [mailto:kerberos-admin at]
> >>On Behalf Of Marc
> >>Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 10:03 AM
> >>To: kerberos at
> >>Subject: Renewable ticket ?
> >>
> >>
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>Is it somehow possible to make a ticket auto renewable ? What
> >>I mean is
> >>when I log in I get my ticket and then when the ticket
> >>expires I don't
> >>need to manually do a kinit to get a new ticket.
> >>
> >>I had a look in Kerberos V5 System administrator's guide but found
> >>nothing, no renewable option or something like that which I
> >>could use in
> >>krb5.conf.
> >>
> >>Any ideas ?
> >>
> > Make a cron or at job that does it for you.
> >
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> > Kerberos mailing list Kerberos at
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> >
> >
> Well that is fine in a single user workstation case but how do you cope
> with a multi-user system ??
> Regards
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