Clients kerberos for Windows plataform

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Wed May 1 00:39:02 EDT 2002

Kermit 95 supports SSHv2 GSSAPI-Kerberos_5 authentication and
key exchange.

In article <E171BZl-0006sj-00 at>,
Rafael da Rosa Righi <rafael at> wrote:
: Hello,
: I am founding some kerberized client to use in Windows 2k/98.
: These programs will access an KDC in Unix plataform.
: Below are many cases:
: --> I tested the program SecureNetTerm and this program don't
: work fine. I enter in sub-program Leash to give my credencials
: ( first ticket TGt ) and this step is OK. Then I enter in "Phone Directory" 
: and put my kerberized SSH-server address and click in "connect" icon and
: appear just an sentence with "SSH2- path xxx "(version of sshd server) and no session open. OBS: the sshd is working fine.
: Any person of this list know SecureNetTerm? What are wrong in my steps?
: --> I tested the "CMU Kclient 2.1.2" ( I found it on the net) and have no sucess. I icon tray , I click on it and select "options" and haven't option to put my own REALM and KDC address. 
: --> I downloaded the kinit.exe, ftp.exe, telnet.exe distributed in Heimdal friendly site. I know this programs are heimdal toolkit for windows. Kinit seek on configuratoin-file . Where I put this file in windows ? I try 'kinit -f cache user at REALM' and have success, then I set KRB5CCNAME , but in ftp program appear "Trying GSSAPI: .... problem in decrypt cache".
: --> The program kfw 2.1.1 is just for MIT people use? There are a fre version of this software? Some people talk well about this software. I don't have the certificate to download it.
: There are others kerberized-clients for windows who can I use?
: I am waiting for ideas. Thank you a lot.
: Rafael Righi 
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 Jeffrey Altman * Sr.Software Designer      Kermit 95 1.1.21  available now!!!
 The Kermit Project @ Columbia University   SSH plus Telnet, FTP and HTTP             secured with Kerberos, SRP, and 
 kermit-support at                OpenSSL.

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