Fwd: Problem with kerberos 5 binaries - No solution yet

Rahul Raman rraman at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 6 10:37:39 EDT 2002


I sent this email to kerberos at mit.edu immediately after I requested 
subscription to this list. So I am sending this email once again just in 
case the earlier version did not reach this list. I have still not fixed 
this problem.

Additional steps since my previous email:

Instead of using the binaries directly, I compiled the source (obtained 
from MIT kerberos distribution) and created the binaries in the appropriate 
directories. I still received the same error and the machine did not accept 
Kerberos 5 connections.

I would appreciate any help or suggestions to resolve this issue


Rahul Raman

>Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 19:31:36 -0400
>To: kerberos at mit.edu
>From: Rahul Raman <rraman at mit.edu>
>Subject: Problem with kerberos 5 binaries
>I have been having the following problems on multiple platforms where I 
>downloaded the kerberos binaries from the  MIT Kerberos distribution Page
>For example on a SGI Octane with  IRIX 6.5 I downloaded the 
>mips-sgi-irix6.5.tar (Kerberos 5-1.2.5) file. I did tar -xvf and that 
>installed the necessary images under /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin 
>directories. I followed the instructions from the 
>http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/is/unix-vms/kerbinstall.html page and downloaded the 
>files /etc/krb.conf, /etc/krb5.conf and /etc/krb.realms. I also edited the 
>inetd.conf and /etc/services file to support only kerberized incoming 
>connections. I got the srvtab file by sending a mail to accounts at mit.edu 
>and I ftp'd the file to my local machine (/etc/srvtab). I used ktutil to 
>generate krb5.keytab from the /etc/srvtab file on my local machine
>For some reason, the incoming telnet and ftp connections do not recognize 
>Kerberos 5 tickets and it gives the following messages
>[Kerberos 5 refuses authentication because telnetd: krb5_rd_req failed: 
>Unknown key table type]
>[Kerberos 5 refuses authentication because telnetd: krb5_rd_req failed: 
>Unknown key table type]
>[Kerberos 5 refuses authentication because telnetd: krb5_rd_req failed: 
>Unknown key table type]
>[Trying KERBEROS4 . . .]
>[ Kerberos V4 accepts you ]
>[ Kerberos V4 challenge successful ]
>Although I do get kerberized access I am a bit concerned that Kerberos 5 
>authentication is not accepted by the server.
>Please help with this problem or point me to the right resource if this 
>problem had been raised by other users and there is a solution to it somewhere.
>Thanks a lot
>Rahul Raman

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