svn rev #25828: trunk/src/tests/

ghudson@MIT.EDU ghudson at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 26 00:34:26 EDT 2012
Commit By: ghudson
Log Message:
Add kadmin ACL enforcement tests

Add a Python script to test the enforcement of kadm5.acl
specifications, including wildcards and restrictions.

ticket: 7097

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/tests/
A   trunk/src/tests/
Modified: trunk/src/tests/
--- trunk/src/tests/	2012-04-26 04:34:20 UTC (rev 25827)
+++ trunk/src/tests/	2012-04-26 04:34:25 UTC (rev 25828)
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
 	$(RUNPYTEST) $(srcdir)/ $(PYTESTFLAGS)
 	$(RUNPYTEST) $(srcdir)/ $(PYTESTFLAGS)
 	$(RUNPYTEST) $(srcdir)/ $(PYTESTFLAGS)
+	$(RUNPYTEST) $(srcdir)/ $(PYTESTFLAGS)
 #	$(RUNPYTEST) $(srcdir)/kdc_realm/ $(PYTESTFLAGS)

Added: trunk/src/tests/
--- trunk/src/tests/	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/tests/	2012-04-26 04:34:25 UTC (rev 25828)
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+from k5test import *
+realm = K5Realm(create_host=False, create_user=False)
+def make_client(name):
+    global realm
+    realm.addprinc(name, password(name))
+    ccache = os.path.join(realm.testdir,
+                          'kadmin_ccache_' + name.replace('/', '_'))
+    realm.kinit(name, password(name),
+                flags=['-S', 'kadmin/admin', '-c', ccache])
+    return ccache
+def kadmin_as(client, query):
+    global realm
+    return realm.run_as_client([kadmin, '-c', client, '-q', query])
+def delprinc(name):
+    global realm
+    realm.run_kadminl('delprinc -force ' + name)
+all_add = make_client('all_add')
+all_changepw = make_client('all_changepw')
+all_delete = make_client('all_delete')
+all_inquire = make_client('all_inquire')
+all_list = make_client('all_list')
+all_modify = make_client('all_modify')
+all_rename = make_client('all_rename')
+some_add = make_client('some_add')
+some_changepw = make_client('some_changepw')
+some_delete = make_client('some_delete')
+some_inquire = make_client('some_inquire')
+some_modify = make_client('some_modify')
+some_rename = make_client('some_rename')
+restricted_add = make_client('restricted_add')
+restricted_modify = make_client('restricted_modify')
+restricted_rename = make_client('restricted_rename')
+wctarget = make_client('wctarget')
+admin = make_client('user/admin')
+none = make_client('none')
+restrictions = make_client('restrictions')
+realm.run_kadminl('addpol -minlife "1 day" minlife')
+f = open(os.path.join(realm.testdir, 'acl'), 'w')
+all_add            a
+all_changepw       c
+all_delete         d
+all_inquire        i
+all_list           l
+all_modify         im
+all_rename         ad
+some_add           a   selected
+some_changepw      c   selected
+some_delete        d   selected
+some_inquire       i   selected
+some_modify        im  selected
+some_rename        d   from
+some_rename        a   to
+restricted_add     a   *         +preauth
+restricted_modify  im  *         +preauth
+restricted_rename  ad  *         +preauth
+*/*                d   *2/*1
+*/admin            a
+wctarget           a   wild/*
+restrictions       a   type1     -policy minlife
+restrictions       a   type2     -clearpolicy
+restrictions       a   type3     -maxlife 1h -maxrenewlife 2h
+# cpw can generate four different RPC calls depending on options.
+realm.addprinc('selected', 'oldpw')
+realm.addprinc('unselected', 'oldpw')
+for pw in ('-pw newpw', '-randkey'):
+    for ks in ('', '-e aes256-cts:normal'):
+        args = pw + ' ' + ks
+        out = kadmin_as(all_changepw, 'cpw %s unselected' % args)
+        if ('Password for "unselected at KRBTEST.COM" changed.' not in out and
+            'Key for "unselected at KRBTEST.COM" randomized.' not in out):
+            fail('cpw success (acl)')
+        out = kadmin_as(some_changepw, 'cpw %s selected' % args)
+        if ('Password for "selected at KRBTEST.COM" changed.' not in out and
+            'Key for "selected at KRBTEST.COM" randomized.' not in out):
+            fail('cpw success (target)')
+        out = kadmin_as(none, 'cpw %s selected' % args)
+        if 'Operation requires ``change-password\'\' privilege' not in out:
+            fail('cpw failure (no perms)')
+        out = kadmin_as(some_changepw, 'cpw %s unselected' % args)
+        if 'Operation requires ``change-password\'\' privilege' not in out:
+            fail('cpw failure (target)')
+        out = kadmin_as(none, 'cpw %s none' % args)
+        if ('Password for "none at KRBTEST.COM" changed.' not in out and
+            'Key for "none at KRBTEST.COM" randomized.' not in out):
+            fail('cpw success (self exemption)')
+        realm.run_kadminl('modprinc -policy minlife none')
+        out = kadmin_as(none, 'cpw %s none' % args)
+        if 'Current password\'s minimum life has not expired' not in out:
+            fail('cpw failure (minimum life)')
+        realm.run_kadminl('modprinc -clearpolicy none')
+out = kadmin_as(all_add, 'addpol policy')
+realm.run_kadminl('delpol -force policy')
+if 'Operation requires' in out:
+    fail('addpol success (acl)')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'addpol policy')
+if 'Operation requires ``add\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('addpol failure (no perms)')
+# addprinc can generate two different RPC calls depending on options.
+for ks in ('', '-e aes256-cts:normal'):
+    args = '-pw pw ' + ks
+    out = kadmin_as(all_add, 'addprinc %s unselected' % args)
+    if 'Principal "unselected at KRBTEST.COM" created.' not in out:
+        fail('addprinc success (acl)')
+    delprinc('unselected')
+    out = kadmin_as(some_add, 'addprinc %s selected' % args)
+    if 'Principal "selected at KRBTEST.COM" created.' not in out:
+        fail('addprinc success(target)')
+    delprinc('selected')
+    out = kadmin_as(restricted_add, 'addprinc %s unselected' % args)
+    if 'Principal "unselected at KRBTEST.COM" created.' not in out:
+        fail('addprinc success (restrictions) -- addprinc')
+    out = realm.run_kadminl('getprinc unselected')
+    if 'REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH' not in out:
+        fail('addprinc success (restrictions) -- restriction check')
+    delprinc('unselected')
+    out = kadmin_as(none, 'addprinc %s selected' % args)
+    if 'Operation requires ``add\'\' privilege' not in out:
+        fail('addprinc failure (no perms)')
+    out = kadmin_as(some_add, 'addprinc %s unselected' % args)
+    if 'Operation requires ``add\'\' privilege' not in out:
+        fail('addprinc failure (target)')
+realm.addprinc('unselected', 'pw')
+out = kadmin_as(all_delete, 'delprinc -force unselected')
+if 'Principal "unselected at KRBTEST.COM" deleted.' not in out:
+    fail('delprinc success (acl)')
+realm.addprinc('selected', 'pw')
+out = kadmin_as(some_delete, 'delprinc -force selected')
+if 'Principal "selected at KRBTEST.COM" deleted.' not in out:
+    fail('delprinc success (target)')
+realm.addprinc('unselected', 'pw')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'delprinc -force unselected')
+if 'Operation requires ``delete\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('delprinc failure (no perms)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_delete, 'delprinc -force unselected')
+if 'Operation requires ``delete\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('delprinc failure (no target)')
+out = kadmin_as(all_inquire, 'getpol minlife')
+if 'Policy: minlife' not in out:
+    fail('getpol success (acl)')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'getpol minlife')
+if 'Operation requires ``get\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('getpol failure (no perms)')
+realm.run_kadminl('modprinc -policy minlife none')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'getpol minlife')
+if 'Policy: minlife' not in out:
+    fail('getpol success (self policy exemption)')
+realm.run_kadminl('modprinc -clearpolicy none')
+realm.addprinc('selected', 'pw')
+realm.addprinc('unselected', 'pw')
+out = kadmin_as(all_inquire, 'getprinc unselected')
+if 'Principal: unselected at KRBTEST.COM' not in out:
+    fail('getprinc success (acl)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_inquire, 'getprinc selected')
+if 'Principal: selected at KRBTEST.COM' not in out:
+    fail('getprinc success (target)')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'getprinc selected')
+if 'Operation requires ``get\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('getprinc failure (no perms)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_inquire, 'getprinc unselected')
+if 'Operation requires ``get\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('getprinc failure (target)')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'getprinc none')
+if 'Principal: none at KRBTEST.COM' not in out:
+    fail('getprinc success (self exemption)')
+out = kadmin_as(all_list, 'listprincs')
+if 'K/M at KRBTEST.COM' not in out:
+    fail('listprincs success (acl)')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'listprincs')
+if 'Operation requires ``list\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('listprincs failure (no perms)')
+realm.addprinc('selected', 'pw')
+realm.addprinc('unselected', 'pw')
+realm.run_kadminl('setstr selected key value')
+realm.run_kadminl('setstr unselected key value')
+out = kadmin_as(all_inquire, 'getstrs unselected')
+if 'key: value' not in out:
+    fail('getstrs success (acl)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_inquire, 'getstrs selected')
+if 'key: value' not in out:
+    fail('getstrs success (target)')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'getstrs selected')
+if 'Operation requires ``get\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('getstrs failure (no perms)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_inquire, 'getstrs unselected')
+if 'Operation requires ``get\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('getstrs failure (target)')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'getstrs none')
+if '(No string attributes.)' not in out:
+    fail('getstrs success (self exemption)')
+out = kadmin_as(all_modify, 'modpol -maxlife "1 hour" policy')
+if 'Operation requires' in out:
+    fail('modpol success (acl)')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'modpol -maxlife "1 hour" policy')
+if 'Operation requires ``modify\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('modpol failure (no perms)')
+realm.addprinc('selected', 'pw')
+realm.addprinc('unselected', 'pw')
+out = kadmin_as(all_modify, 'modprinc -maxlife "1 hour" unselected')
+if 'Principal "unselected at KRBTEST.COM" modified.' not in out:
+    fail('modprinc success (acl)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_modify, 'modprinc -maxlife "1 hour" selected')
+if 'Principal "selected at KRBTEST.COM" modified.' not in out:
+    fail('modprinc success (target)')
+out = kadmin_as(restricted_modify, 'modprinc -maxlife "1 hour" unselected')
+if 'Principal "unselected at KRBTEST.COM" modified.' not in out:
+    fail('modprinc success (restrictions) -- modprinc')
+out = realm.run_kadminl('getprinc unselected')
+if 'REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH' not in out:
+    fail('addprinc success (restrictions) -- restriction check')
+out = kadmin_as(all_inquire, 'modprinc -maxlife "1 hour" selected')
+if 'Operation requires ``modify\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('addprinc failure (no perms)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_modify, 'modprinc -maxlife "1 hour" unselected')
+if 'Operation requires' not in out:
+    fail('modprinc failure (target)')
+realm.addprinc('selected', 'pw')
+realm.addprinc('unselected', 'pw')
+out = kadmin_as(all_modify, 'purgekeys unselected')
+if 'Old keys for principal "unselected at KRBTEST.COM" purged' not in out:
+    fail('purgekeys success (acl)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_modify, 'purgekeys selected')
+if 'Old keys for principal "selected at KRBTEST.COM" purged' not in out:
+    fail('purgekeys success (target)')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'purgekeys selected')
+if 'Operation requires ``modify\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('purgekeys failure (no perms)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_modify, 'purgekeys unselected')
+if 'Operation requires ``modify\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('purgekeys failure (target)')
+realm.addprinc('from', 'pw')
+out = kadmin_as(all_rename, 'renprinc -force from to')
+if 'Principal "from at KRBTEST.COM" renamed to "to at KRBTEST.COM".' not in out:
+    fail('renprinc success (acl)')
+realm.run_kadminl('renprinc -force to from')
+out = kadmin_as(some_rename, 'renprinc -force from to')
+if 'Principal "from at KRBTEST.COM" renamed to "to at KRBTEST.COM".' not in out:
+    fail('renprinc success (target)')
+realm.run_kadminl('renprinc -force to from')
+out = kadmin_as(all_add, 'renprinc -force from to')
+if 'Operation requires ``delete\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('renprinc failure (no delete perms)')
+out = kadmin_as(all_delete, 'renprinc -force from to')
+if 'Operation requires ``add\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('renprinc failure (no add perms)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_rename, 'renprinc -force from notto')
+if 'Operation requires ``add\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('renprinc failure (new target)')
+realm.run_kadminl('renprinc -force from notfrom')
+out = kadmin_as(some_rename, 'renprinc -force notfrom to')
+if 'Operation requires ``delete\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('renprinc failure (old target)')
+out = kadmin_as(restricted_rename, 'renprinc -force notfrom to')
+if 'Operation requires ``add\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('renprinc failure (restrictions)')
+realm.addprinc('selected', 'pw')
+realm.addprinc('unselected', 'pw')
+out = kadmin_as(all_modify, 'setstr unselected key value')
+if 'Attribute set for principal "unselected at KRBTEST.COM".' not in out:
+    fail('modprinc success (acl)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_modify, 'setstr selected key value')
+if 'Attribute set for principal "selected at KRBTEST.COM".' not in out:
+    fail('modprinc success (target)')
+out = kadmin_as(none, 'setstr selected key value')
+if 'Operation requires ``modify\'\' privilege' not in out:
+    fail('addprinc failure (no perms)')
+out = kadmin_as(some_modify, 'setstr unselected key value')
+if 'Operation requires' not in out:
+    fail('modprinc failure (target)')
+out = kadmin_as(admin, 'addprinc -pw pw anytarget')
+if 'Principal "anytarget at KRBTEST.COM" created.' not in out:
+    fail('addprinc success (client wildcard)')
+out = kadmin_as(wctarget, 'addprinc -pw pw wild/card')
+if 'Principal "wild/card at KRBTEST.COM" created.' not in out:
+    fail('addprinc sucess (target wildcard)')
+out = kadmin_as(wctarget, 'addprinc -pw pw wild/card/extra')
+if 'Operation requires' not in out:
+    fail('addprinc failure (target wildcard extra component)')
+realm.addprinc('admin/user', 'pw')
+out = kadmin_as(admin, 'delprinc -force admin/user')
+if 'Principal "admin/user at KRBTEST.COM" deleted.' not in out:
+    fail('delprinc success (wildcard backreferences)')
+out = kadmin_as(admin, 'delprinc -force none')
+if 'Operation requires' not in out:
+    fail('delprinc failure (wildcard backreferences not matched)')
+kadmin_as(restrictions, 'addprinc -pw pw type1')
+out = realm.run_kadminl('getprinc type1')
+if 'Policy: minlife' not in out:
+    fail('restriction (policy)')
+kadmin_as(restrictions, 'addprinc -pw pw -policy minlife type2')
+out = realm.run_kadminl('getprinc type2')
+if 'Policy: [none]' not in out:
+    fail('restriction (clearpolicy)')
+kadmin_as(restrictions, 'addprinc -pw pw -maxlife "1 minute" type3')
+out = realm.run_kadminl('getprinc type3')
+if ('Maximum ticket life: 0 days 00:01:00' not in out or
+    'Maximum renewable life: 0 days 02:00:00' not in out):
+    fail('restriction (maxlife low, maxrenewlife unspec)')
+kadmin_as(restrictions, 'addprinc -pw pw -maxrenewlife "1 day" type3')
+out = realm.run_kadminl('getprinc type3')
+if 'Maximum renewable life: 0 days 02:00:00' not in out:
+    fail('restriction (maxrenewlife high)')
+success('kadmin ACL enforcement')

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