svn rev #25423: trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/

tsitkova@MIT.EDU tsitkova at MIT.EDU
Sun Oct 30 17:52:18 EDT 2011
Commit By: tsitkova
Log Message:
Added instruction on how to build this Sphinx documentation

Changed Files:
A   trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/build_this.rst
U   trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/index.rst
A   trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/philosophy.rst
Added: trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/build_this.rst
--- trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/build_this.rst	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/build_this.rst	2011-10-30 21:52:18 UTC (rev 25423)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+How to build this documentation from the source
+  - Sphinx 1.0.4 or higher (See with “autodoc” extension installed.
+How to build the Sphinx based documentation without references to API documentation
+To generate documentation in the *html* format, from the *trunk/doc/rst_source*  run::
+      sphinx-build .  output_dir
+To produce manpages run::
+      sphinx-build -b man  .  output_dir
+.. note::   The manpages output is controled by *man_pages* tag in the Sphinx configuration file 
+            *trunk/doc/rst_source/*.
+How to deploy the Doxygen output in Sphinx project.
+The text below is meant to give the instructions on how to incorporate MIT Kerberos API reference 
+documentation into Sphinx document hierarchy.  
+The Sphinx API documentation can be constructed without (:ref:`Part_A`) or with (:ref:`Part_B`) the bridge 
+to the original Doxygen HTML output.
+   - python 2.5+ with *Cheetah, lxml* and  *xml* extension modules installed;
+   - Doxygen documentation generator ( installed;
+   - For "Part B" only:
+       -    Sphinx “doxylink” extension;
+       -    Doxygen HTML output
+.. _Part_A:
+Part A:    Transforming Doxygen XML output into reStructuredText (rst)  without the bridge to Doxygen HTML output.
+1.    Delete lines containing text "Doxygen reference" from the template files 
+      *func_document.tmpl* and *type_document.tmpl* located in trunk/doc/rst_tools directory;
+2.    In the Doxygen configuration file (trunk/src/Doxyfile) set *GENERATE_XML* flag  to YES. 
+      Generate Doxygen XML output. 
+      To do so from the command line from the source directory (trunk/src) run::
+         doxygen
+      The *XML_OUTPUT* tag specifies the location of the Doxygen XML output. 
+      The default location for this setup is *trunk/out/xml*.
+3.    Suppose the Doxygen XML output is located in *trunk/out/xml* directory and
+      the desired name for the reStructuredText  output directory is *rst_dir*. 
+      From *trunk/doc/rst_tools* run::
+           python –i  ../../out/xml –o rst_dir –t func
+      This will result in the storing the API function documentation files in *rst* format in the *rst_dir*. 
+      .. note:: The file names are constructed based on the function name. 
+                For example, the file for krb5_build_principal() will be krb5_build_principal.rst
+      Run::
+           python –i ../../out/xml –o rst_dir –t typedef
+      It is similar to the API function conversion, but for data types. The result will be stored under *rst_dir/types* directory
+      Alternatively, running::
+         python –i  ../../out/xml  –o rst_dir
+         or
+         python –i  ../../out/xml  –o rst_dir -t all
+      converts Doxygen XML output into reStructuredText format files both for API functions and data types;
+4.    In *trunk/doc/krb_appldev/index.rst* add the following section to point to the API references::
+         .. toctree::
+             :maxdepth: 1
+             refs/index.rst
+5.    Copy the content of 
+         - *rst_dir* into *krb_appldev/refs/api* directory, and 
+         - *rst_dir/types* into *krb_appldev/refs/types* directory;
+6.    Rebuild Sphinx source. From the *trunk/doc/rst_source*  run::
+      sphinx-build .  output_dir
+.. _Part_B:
+Part B:    Bridge to Doxygen HTML output.
+1. Transform Doxygen XML output into reStructuredText.
+   In src/Doxygen configuration file request generation of the tag file and XML output::
+       GENERATE_TAGFILE       = krb5doxy.tag
+       GENERATE_XML           = YES
+2. Modify Sphinx file to point to the “doxylink” extension and Doxygen tag file::
+      extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinxcontrib.doxylink']
+      doxylink = { ' krb5doxy' : ('/tmp/krb5doxy.tag, ' doxy_html_dir ') }
+   where *doxy_html_dir* is the location of the Doxygen HTML output
+3.  Continue with steps 3 - 6 of Part A.

Modified: trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/index.rst
--- trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/index.rst	2011-10-28 16:18:45 UTC (rev 25422)
+++ trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/index.rst	2011-10-30 21:52:18 UTC (rev 25423)
@@ -1,39 +1,10 @@
-Kerberos Documentation Relay
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   philosophy.rst
+   build_this.rst
-#. The documentation must be useful;
-#. The documentation must be correct;
-#. The documentation must be detailed, but optimized. No verbose mode;
-#. The documentation should be built incrementally;
-#. The documentation should be easy to maintain;
-#. The documentation should be examined to identify the approaches that do not work;
-#. The Work-To-Do list is created and updated based on the input from the community.
-#. Administrator supports the Work-To-Do list.
-#. Writer picks up the item from this list (such as specific API) and writes the documentation
-#. Committee reviews the documentation and recommends it to be accepted as-is or to be revised
-#. If the documentation needs revision, it is sent to the initial writer or someone else for completion 
-#. Once Committee approves the document, it is proofread by the designated engineer
-#. Documented is posted on the web
-Feedback and Comments.
-At the moment the comments should be sent via email to krb5-bugs at Normally, every document has an email link with the pre-constructed subject line similar to the following:
 Please, provide your feedback on this document at krb5-bugs at

Added: trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/philosophy.rst
--- trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/philosophy.rst	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/doc/rst_source/relay/philosophy.rst	2011-10-30 21:52:18 UTC (rev 25423)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Kerberos Documentation Relay
+#. The documentation must be useful;
+#. The documentation must be correct;
+#. The documentation must be detailed, but optimized. No verbose mode;
+#. The documentation should be built incrementally;
+#. The documentation should be easy to maintain;
+#. The documentation should be examined to identify the approaches that do not work;
+#. The Work-To-Do list is created and updated based on the input from the community.
+#. Administrator supports the Work-To-Do list.
+#. Writer picks up the item from this list (such as specific API) and writes the documentation
+#. Committee reviews the documentation and recommends it to be accepted as-is or to be revised
+#. If the documentation needs revision, it is sent to the initial writer or someone else for completion 
+#. Once Committee approves the document, it is proofread by the designated engineer
+#. Documented is posted on the web
+Feedback and Comments.
+At the moment the comments should be sent via email to krb5-bugs at Normally, every document has an email link with the pre-constructed subject line similar to the following:
+Please, provide your feedback on this document at krb5-bugs at

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