svn rev #23933: trunk/src/ config/ util/

ghudson@MIT.EDU ghudson at MIT.EDU
Sat Apr 24 14:53:25 EDT 2010
Commit By: ghudson
Log Message:
Simplify how k5test scripts get run by importing runenv by pathname
(using the imp module) instead of by module name.

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/config/
U   trunk/src/util/
Modified: trunk/src/config/
--- trunk/src/config/	2010-04-24 17:33:04 UTC (rev 23932)
+++ trunk/src/config/	2010-04-24 18:53:25 UTC (rev 23933)
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@
 DEJAFLAGS	= --debug --srcdir $(srcdir) --host $(host)
 RUNTEST		= runtest $(DEJAFLAGS)
-RUNPYTEST	= PYTHONPATH=$(BUILDTOP):$(top_srcdir)/util \
+			$(PYTHON)
 START_SERVERS	= $(STESTDIR)/scripts/start_servers $(TEST_SERVER) $(TEST_PATH)
 START_SERVERS_LOCAL = $(STESTDIR)/scripts/start_servers_local

Modified: trunk/src/util/
--- trunk/src/util/	2010-04-24 17:33:04 UTC (rev 23932)
+++ trunk/src/util/	2010-04-24 18:53:25 UTC (rev 23933)
@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@
 import string
 import subprocess
 import sys
+import imp
 # Used when most things go wrong (other than programming errors) so
 # that the user sees an error message rather than a Python traceback,
@@ -466,15 +467,25 @@
 # Return an environment suitable for running programs in the build
 # tree.  It is safe to modify the result.
 def _build_env():
-    global buildtop
+    global buildtop, _runenv
     env = os.environ.copy()
-    for (k, v) in runenv.env.iteritems():
+    for (k, v) in _runenv.iteritems():
         if v.find('./') == 0:
             env[k] = os.path.join(buildtop, v)
             env[k] = v
     return env
+def _import_runenv():
+    global buildtop
+    runenv_py = os.path.join(buildtop, '')
+    if not os.path.exists(runenv_py):
+        fail('You must run "make fake-install" in %s first.' % buildtop)
+    module = imp.load_source('runenv', runenv_py)
+    return module.env
 # Merge the nested dictionaries cfg1 and cfg2 into a new dictionary.
 # cfg1 or cfg2 may be None, in which case the other is returned.  If
 # cfg2 contains keys mapped to None, the corresponding keys will be
@@ -1018,15 +1029,10 @@
 buildtop = _find_buildtop()
 srctop = _find_srctop()
 plugins = _find_plugins()
+_runenv = _import_runenv()
 hostname = socket.getfqdn()
 null_input = open(os.devnull, 'r')
-# is built in the top level by "make fake-install".  Import
-# it now (rather than at the beginning of the file) so that we get a
-# friendly error message from _find_plugins() if "make fake-install"
-# has not been run.
-import runenv
 krb5kdc = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kdc', 'krb5kdc')
 kadmind = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'server', 'kadmind')
 kadmin = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'cli', 'kadmin')

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