svn rev #23854: branches/iakerb/src/lib/krb5/krb/

ghudson@MIT.EDU ghudson at MIT.EDU
Sun Apr 4 13:17:17 EDT 2010
Commit By: ghudson
Log Message:
Rewrite gc_frm_kdc_step.c to handle the full functionality of
gc_frm_krb.c.  Not tested yet.

Changed Files:
U   branches/iakerb/src/lib/krb5/krb/gc_frm_kdc_step.c
Modified: branches/iakerb/src/lib/krb5/krb/gc_frm_kdc_step.c
--- branches/iakerb/src/lib/krb5/krb/gc_frm_kdc_step.c	2010-04-02 18:03:11 UTC (rev 23853)
+++ branches/iakerb/src/lib/krb5/krb/gc_frm_kdc_step.c	2010-04-04 17:17:17 UTC (rev 23854)
@@ -36,415 +36,963 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include "int-proto.h"
+ * krb5_tkt_creds_step() is implemented using a tail call style.  Every
+ * begin_*, step_*, or *_request function is responsible for returning an
+ * error, generating the next request, or delegating to another function using
+ * a tail call.
+ *
+ * The process is divided up into states which govern how the next input token
+ * should be interpreted.  Each state has a "begin_<state>" function to set up
+ * the context fields related to the state, a "step_<state>" function to
+ * process a reply and update the related context fields, and possibly a
+ * "<state>_request" function (invoked by the begin_ and step_ functions) to
+ * generate the next request.  If it's time to advance to another state, any of
+ * the three functions can make a tail call to begin_<nextstate> to do so.
+ *
+ * For the most part the state is always increasing, but we may go from
+ * REFERRALS to GET_TGT in order to get a TGT for the fallback realm.  The
+ * getting_tgt_for field in the context keeps track of what state we will go to
+ * after successfully obtaining a foreign TGT, and the end_get_tgt() function
+ * advances to the proper next state.
+ */
+enum state {
+    STATE_BEGIN,                /* Initial step (no input token) */
+    STATE_GET_TGT,              /* Getting TGT for service realm */
+    STATE_GET_TGT_OFFPATH,      /* Getting TGT via off-path referrals */
+    STATE_REFERRALS,            /* Retrieving service ticket or referral */
+    STATE_NON_REFERRAL,         /* Non-referral service ticket request */
+    STATE_COMPLETE              /* Creds ready for retrieval */
 struct _krb5_tkt_creds_context {
-    krb5_ccache ccache;
-    krb5_creds in_cred;
-    krb5_principal client;
-    krb5_principal server;
-    krb5_principal req_server;
-    int req_kdcopt;
+    enum state state;           /* What we should do with the next reply */
+    enum state getting_tgt_for; /* STATE_REFERRALS or STATE_NON_REFERRAL */
-    unsigned int flags;
-    krb5_creds cc_tgt;
-    krb5_creds *tgtptr;
-    unsigned int referral_count;
-    krb5_creds *referral_tgts[KRB5_REFERRAL_MAXHOPS];
-    krb5_boolean default_use_conf_ktypes;
-    krb5_timestamp timestamp;
-    krb5_int32 nonce;
-    int kdcopt;
-    krb5_keyblock *subkey;
-    krb5_data encoded_previous_request;
+    /* The following fields are set up at initialization time. */
+    krb5_creds *in_creds;       /* Creds requested by caller */
+    krb5_principal client;      /* Caller-requested client principal (alias) */
+    krb5_principal server;      /* Server principal (alias) */
+    krb5_principal req_server;  /* Caller-requested server principal */
+    krb5_ccache ccache;         /* Caller-provided ccache (alias) */
+    int req_kdcopt;             /* Caller-requested KDC options */
+    krb5_authdata **authdata;   /* Caller-requested authdata */
-    krb5_creds *out_cred;
+    /* The following fields are used in multiple steps. */
+    krb5_creds *cur_tgt;        /* TGT to be used for next query */
+    krb5_data *realms_seen;     /* For loop detection */
+    /* The following fields track state between request and reply. */
+    krb5_timestamp timestamp;   /* Timestamp of request */
+    krb5_int32 nonce;           /* Nonce of request */
+    int kdcopt;                 /* KDC options of request */
+    krb5_keyblock *subkey;      /* subkey of request */
+    krb5_data previous_request; /* Encoded request (for TCP retransmission) */
+    /* The following fields are used when acquiring foreign TGTs. */
+    krb5_data *realm_path;      /* Path from client to server realm */
+    const krb5_data *last_realm;/* Last realm in realm_path */
+    const krb5_data *cur_realm; /* Position of cur_tgt in realm_path  */
+    const krb5_data *next_realm;/* Current target realm in realm_path */
+    unsigned int offpath_count; /* Offpath requests made */
+    /* The following fields are used during the referrals loop. */
+    unsigned int referral_count;/* Referral requests made */
+    /* The following fields are used within a _step call to avoid
+     * passing them as parameters everywhere. */
+    krb5_creds *reply_creds;    /* Creds from TGS reply */
+    krb5_error_code reply_code; /* Error status from TGS reply */
+    krb5_data *caller_out;      /* Caller's out parameter */
+    krb5_data *caller_realm;    /* Caller's realm parameter */
+    unsigned int *caller_flags; /* Caller's flags parameter */
 /* Convert ticket flags to necessary KDC options */
 #define FLAGS2OPTS(flags) (flags & KDC_TKT_COMMON_MASK)
 static krb5_error_code
-tkt_make_tgs_request(krb5_context context,
-                     krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
-                     krb5_creds *tgt,
-                     krb5_creds *in_cred,
-                     krb5_data *req)
-    krb5_error_code code;
+begin_get_tgt(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx);
-    /* These flags are always included */
-    ctx->kdcopt |= FLAGS2OPTS(tgt->ticket_flags);
-    if ((ctx->kdcopt & KDC_OPT_ENC_TKT_IN_SKEY) == 0)
-        in_cred->is_skey = FALSE;
-    if (!krb5_c_valid_enctype(tgt->keyblock.enctype))
-        return KRB5_PROG_ETYPE_NOSUPP;
-    code = krb5int_make_tgs_request(context, tgt, ctx->kdcopt,
-                                   tgt->addresses, NULL,
-                                   in_cred, NULL, NULL, req,
-                                   &ctx->timestamp, &ctx->nonce, &ctx->subkey);
-    return code;
+ * Fill in the caller out, realm, and flags output variables.  out is filled in
+ * with ctx->previous_request, which the caller should set, and realm is filled
+ * in with the realm of ctx->cur_tgt.
+ */
 static krb5_error_code
-tkt_process_tgs_reply(krb5_context context,
-                      krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
-                      krb5_data *rep,
-                      krb5_creds *tgt,
-                      krb5_creds *in_cred,
-                      krb5_creds **out_cred)
+set_caller_request(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
     krb5_error_code code;
+    const krb5_data *req = &ctx->previous_request;
+    const krb5_data *realm = &ctx->cur_tgt->server->data[1];
+    krb5_data out_copy = empty_data(), realm_copy = empty_data();
-    code = krb5int_process_tgs_reply(context,
-                                    rep,
-                                    tgt,
-                                    ctx->kdcopt,
-                                    tgt->addresses,
-                                    NULL,
-                                    in_cred,
-                                    ctx->timestamp,
-                                    ctx->nonce,
-                                    ctx->subkey,
-                                    NULL,
-                                    NULL,
-                                    out_cred);
+    code = krb5int_copy_data_contents(context, req, &out_copy);
+    if (code != 0)
+        goto cleanup;
+    code = krb5int_copy_data_contents(context, realm, &realm_copy);
+    if (code != 0)
+        goto cleanup;
+    *ctx->caller_out = out_copy;
+    *ctx->caller_realm = realm_copy;
+    *ctx->caller_flags = 1;
+    return 0;
+    krb5_free_data_contents(context, &out_copy);
+    krb5_free_data_contents(context, &realm_copy);
     return code;
- * Asynchronous API
+ * Point *TGT at an allocated credentials structure containing a TGT for realm
+ * retrieved from ctx->ccache.  If we are retrieving a foreign TGT, accept any
+ * issuing realm (i.e. match only the service principal name).  If the TGT is
+ * not found in the cache, return successfully but set *tgt to NULL.
-krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
-krb5_tkt_creds_init(krb5_context context,
-                    krb5_ccache ccache,
-                    krb5_creds *creds,
-                    int kdcopt,
-                    krb5_tkt_creds_context *pctx)
+static krb5_error_code
+get_cached_tgt(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+               const krb5_data *realm, krb5_creds **tgt)
+    krb5_creds mcreds, *creds = NULL;
     krb5_error_code code;
-    krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx = NULL;
-    krb5_creds tgtq;
+    krb5_principal tgtname = NULL;
+    krb5_flags flags;
-    memset(&tgtq, 0, sizeof(tgtq));
+    *tgt = NULL;
-    ctx = k5alloc(sizeof(*ctx), &code);
+    /* Construct the principal krbtgt/<realm>@<client realm>.  The realm
+     * won't matter unless we're getting the local TGT. */
+    code = krb5int_tgtname(context, realm, &ctx->client->realm, &tgtname);
     if (code != 0)
         goto cleanup;
-    code = krb5int_copy_creds_contents(context, creds, &ctx->in_cred);
-    if (code != 0)
+    /* Match the TGT realm only if we're getting the local TGT. */
+    if (!data_eq(*realm, ctx->client->realm))
+        flags |= KRB5_TC_MATCH_SRV_NAMEONLY;
+    /* Allocate a structure for the resulting creds. */
+    creds = k5alloc(sizeof(*creds), &code);
+    if (creds == NULL)
         goto cleanup;
-    ctx->ccache = ccache; /* XXX */
+    /* Construct a matching cred for the ccache query. */
+    memset(&mcreds, 0, sizeof(mcreds));
+    mcreds.client = ctx->client;
+    mcreds.server = tgtname;
-    ctx->req_kdcopt = kdcopt;
-    ctx->default_use_conf_ktypes = context->use_conf_ktypes;
-    ctx->client = ctx->in_cred.client;
-    ctx->server = ctx->in_cred.server;
-    code = krb5_copy_principal(context, ctx->server, &ctx->req_server);
-    if (code != 0)
+    /* Fetch the TGT credential, handling not-found errors. */
+    context->use_conf_ktypes = TRUE;
+    code = krb5_cc_retrieve_cred(context, ctx->ccache, flags, &mcreds,
+                                 creds);
+    context->use_conf_ktypes = FALSE;
+    if (code != 0 && code != KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND && code != KRB5_CC_NOT_KTYPE)
         goto cleanup;
+    if (code == 0) {
+        *tgt = creds;
+        creds = NULL;
+    }
+    code = 0;
-    code = krb5int_tgt_mcred(context, ctx->client, ctx->client,
-                             ctx->client, &tgtq);
-    if (code != 0)
-        goto cleanup;
+    krb5_free_principal(context, tgtname);
+    free(creds);
+    return code;
-    code = krb5_cc_retrieve_cred(context, ctx->ccache, flags,
-                                 &tgtq, &ctx->cc_tgt);
-    if (code != 0)
-        goto cleanup;
+ * Set up the request given by in_cred, using ctx->cur_tgt.  KDC options for
+ * the requests are determined by ctx->cur_tgt->ticket_flags and
+ * extra_options.
+ */
+static krb5_error_code
+make_request(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+             krb5_creds *in_cred, int extra_options)
+    krb5_error_code code;
+    krb5_data request = empty_data();
-    ctx->tgtptr = &ctx->cc_tgt;
+    ctx->kdcopt = extra_options | FLAGS2OPTS(ctx->cur_tgt->ticket_flags);
-    *pctx = ctx;
+    /* XXX This check belongs in gc_via_tgt.c or nowhere. */
+    if (!krb5_c_valid_enctype(ctx->cur_tgt->keyblock.enctype))
+        return KRB5_PROG_ETYPE_NOSUPP;
+    code = krb5int_make_tgs_request(context, ctx->cur_tgt, ctx->kdcopt,
+                                    ctx->cur_tgt->addresses,
+                                    NULL, in_cred, NULL, NULL, &request,
+                                    &ctx->timestamp, &ctx->nonce,
+                                    &ctx->subkey);
     if (code != 0)
-        krb5_tkt_creds_free(context, ctx);
-    krb5_free_cred_contents(context, &tgtq);
+        return code;
-    return code;
+    krb5_free_data_contents(context, &ctx->previous_request);
+    ctx->previous_request = request;
+    return set_caller_request(context, ctx);
-krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
-krb5_tkt_creds_get_creds(krb5_context context,
-                         krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
-                         krb5_creds *creds)
+/* Set up a request for a TGT for realm, using ctx->cur_tgt. */
+static krb5_error_code
+make_request_for_tgt(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+                     const krb5_data *realm)
     krb5_error_code code;
+    krb5_creds mcreds;
+    krb5_principal tgtname = NULL;
-    if (ctx->flags & KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_COMPLETE)
-        code = krb5int_copy_creds_contents(context, ctx->out_cred, creds);
-    else
-        code = KRB5_NO_TKT_SUPPLIED;
+    /* Construct the principal krbtgt/<realm>@<cur-tgt-realm>. */
+    code = krb5int_tgtname(context, realm, &ctx->cur_tgt->server->realm,
+                           &tgtname);
+    if (code != 0)
+        return code;
+    /* Make a request for the specified TGT with no extra flags. */
+    memset(&mcreds, 0, sizeof(mcreds));
+    mcreds.client = ctx->client;
+    mcreds.server = tgtname;
+    code = make_request(context, ctx, &mcreds, 0);
+    krb5_free_principal(context, tgtname);
     return code;
- * Store credentials in credentials cache. If ccache is NULL, the
- * credentials cache associated with the context is used. This can
- * be called on an incomplete context, in which case the referral
- * TGT only will be stored.
- */
-krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
-krb5_tkt_creds_store_creds(krb5_context context,
-                           krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
-                           krb5_ccache ccache)
+/* Set up a request for the desired service principal, using ctx->cur_tgt.
+ * Optionally allow the answer to be a referral. */
+static krb5_error_code
+make_request_for_service(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+                         krb5_boolean referral)
     krb5_error_code code;
+    int extra_options;
-    if (ccache == NULL)
-        ccache = ctx->ccache;
+    /* Include the caller-specified KDC options in service requests. */
+    extra_options = ctx->kdcopt;
-    /* Only store the referral from our local KDC */
-    if (ctx->referral_tgts[0] != NULL)
-        krb5_cc_store_cred(context, ccache, ctx->referral_tgts[0]);
+    /* Automatically set the enc-tkt-in-skey flag for user-to-user requests. */
+    if (ctx->in_creds->second_ticket.length != 0 &&
+        (extra_options & KDC_OPT_CNAME_IN_ADDL_TKT) == 0)
+        extra_options |= KDC_OPT_ENC_TKT_IN_SKEY;
-    if (ctx->flags & KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_COMPLETE)
-        code = krb5_cc_store_cred(context, ccache, ctx->out_cred);
-    else
-        code = KRB5_NO_TKT_SUPPLIED;
+    /* Set the canonicalize flag for referral requests. */
+    if (referral)
+        extra_options |= KDC_OPT_CANONICALIZE;
+    /*
+     * Use the profile enctypes for referral requests, since we might get back
+     * a TGT.  We'll ask again with context enctypes if we get the actual
+     * service ticket and it's not consistent with the context enctypes.
+     */
+    if (referral)
+        context->use_conf_ktypes = TRUE;
+    code = make_request(context, ctx, ctx->in_creds, extra_options);
+    if (referral)
+        context->use_conf_ktypes = FALSE;
     return code;
-krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
-krb5_tkt_creds_get_times(krb5_context context,
-                         krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
-                         krb5_ticket_times *times)
+/* Decode and decrypt a TGS reply, and set the reply_code or reply_creds field
+ * of ctx with the result.  Also handle too-big errors. */
+static krb5_error_code
+get_creds_from_tgs_reply(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+                         krb5_data *reply)
-    if ((ctx->flags & KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_COMPLETE) == 0)
-        return KRB5_NO_TKT_SUPPLIED;
+    krb5_error_code code;
-    *times = ctx->out_cred->times;
+    krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->reply_creds);
+    ctx->reply_creds = NULL;
+    code = krb5int_process_tgs_reply(context, reply, ctx->cur_tgt, ctx->kdcopt,
+                                     ctx->cur_tgt->addresses, NULL,
+                                     ctx->in_creds, ctx->timestamp,
+                                     ctx->nonce, ctx->subkey, NULL, NULL,
+                                     &ctx->reply_creds);
+    if (code == KRB5KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG) {
+        /* Instruct the caller to re-send the request with TCP. */
+        code = set_caller_request(context, ctx);
+        if (code != 0)
+            return code;
+    }
+    /* Depending on our state, we may or may not be able to handle an error.
+     * For now, store it in the context and return success. */
+    ctx->reply_code = code;
     return 0;
-krb5_tkt_creds_free(krb5_context context,
-                    krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+/* Add realm to ctx->realms_seen so that we can avoid revisiting it later. */
+static krb5_error_code
+remember_realm(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+               const krb5_data *realm)
-    int i;
+    size_t len = 0;
+    krb5_data *new_list;
-    if (ctx == NULL)
-        return;
+    if (ctx->realms_seen != NULL) {
+        for (len = 0; ctx->realms_seen[len].data != NULL; len++);
+    }
+    new_list = realloc(ctx->realms_seen, (len + 2) * sizeof(krb5_data));
+    if (new_list == NULL)
+        return ENOMEM;
+    ctx->realms_seen = new_list;
+    new_list[len] = empty_data();
+    new_list[len + 1] = empty_data();
+    return krb5int_copy_data_contents(context, realm, &new_list[len]);
-    krb5_free_principal(context, ctx->req_server);
-    krb5_free_cred_contents(context, &ctx->in_cred);
-    krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->out_cred);
-    krb5_free_data_contents(context, &ctx->encoded_previous_request);
-    krb5_free_keyblock(context, ctx->subkey);
+/* Return TRUE if realm appears to ctx->realms_seen. */
+static krb5_boolean
+seen_realm_before(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+                  const krb5_data *realm)
+    size_t i;
-    /* Free referral TGTs list. */
-    for (i = 0; i < KRB5_REFERRAL_MAXHOPS; i++) {
-        if (ctx->referral_tgts[i] != NULL) {
-            krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->referral_tgts[i]);
-            ctx->referral_tgts[i] = NULL;
+    if (ctx->realms_seen != NULL) {
+        for (i = 0; ctx->realms_seen[i].data != NULL; i++) {
+            if (data_eq(ctx->realms_seen[i], *realm))
+                return TRUE;
+    return FALSE;
-    free(ctx);
+/***** STATE_NON_REFERRAL *****/
+/* Process the response to a non-referral request. */
+static krb5_error_code
+step_non_referral(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    /* No fallbacks if we didn't get a successful reply. */
+    if (ctx->reply_code)
+        return ctx->reply_code;
+    /* Note the authdata we asked for in the output creds. */
+    ctx->reply_creds->authdata = ctx->authdata;
+    ctx->authdata = NULL;
+    ctx->state = STATE_COMPLETE;
+    return 0;
+/* Make a non-referrals request for the desired service ticket. */
 static krb5_error_code
-tkt_creds_step_request(krb5_context context,
-                       krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
-                       krb5_data *req)
+begin_non_referral(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    ctx->state = STATE_NON_REFERRAL;
+    return make_request_for_service(context, ctx, FALSE);
+/***** STATE_REFERRALS *****/
+ * Retry a request in the fallback realm after a referral request failure in
+ * the local realm.  We only do this if the originally requested service
+ * principal was in the referral realm.
+ */
+static krb5_error_code
+try_fallback_realm(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
     krb5_error_code code;
+    char **hrealms;
+    krb5_creds *server_tgt;
-    if (ctx->referral_count >= KRB5_REFERRAL_MAXHOPS)
+    if (ctx->server->length < 2) {
+        /* We need a type/host format principal to find a fallback realm. */
+        return KRB5_ERR_HOST_REALM_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    /* We expect this to give exactly one answer (XXX clean up interface). */
+    code = krb5_get_fallback_host_realm(context, &ctx->server->data[1],
+                                        &hrealms);
+    if (code != 0)
+        return code;
+    if (data_eq_string(ctx->server->realm, hrealms[0])) {
+        /* Fallback realm isn't any different, so just give up. */
+        return KRB5_ERR_HOST_REALM_UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    /* Rewrite server->realm to be the fallback realm. */
+    krb5_free_data_contents(context, &ctx->server->realm);
+    ctx->server->realm = string2data(hrealms[0]);
+    free(hrealms);
+    /* Obtain a TGT for the new service realm. */
+    ctx->getting_tgt_for = STATE_NON_REFERRAL;
+    return begin_get_tgt(context, ctx);
+/* Return true if context contains app-provided TGS enctypes and enctype is not
+ * one of them. */
+static krb5_boolean
+wrong_enctype(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype)
+    size_t i;
+    if (context->tgs_etypes == NULL)
+        return FALSE;
+    for (i = 0; context->tgs_etypes[i] != 0; i++) {
+        if (enctype == context->tgs_etypes[i])
+            return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+/* Advance the referral request loop. */
+static krb5_error_code
+step_referrals(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    krb5_error_code code;
+    const krb5_data *referral_realm;
+    if (ctx->reply_code != 0) {
+        /* If we had an unknown realm, and we tried the local realm and failed,
+         * try the fallback realm before giving up. */
+        if (ctx->referral_count == 1 &&
+            krb5_is_referral_realm(&ctx->req_server->realm))
+            return try_fallback_realm(context, ctx);
+        else
+            return ctx->reply_code;
+    }
+    if (krb5_principal_compare(context, ctx->reply_creds->server,
+                               ctx->server)) {
+        /* We got the ticket we asked for... but we didn't necessarily ask for
+         * it with the right enctypes. */
+        if (wrong_enctype(context, ctx->reply_creds->keyblock.enctype)) {
+            /* Try again with the app-provided enctypes. */
+            krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->reply_creds);
+            ctx->reply_creds = NULL;
+            return begin_non_referral(context, ctx);
+        }
+        /* Note the authdata we asked for in the output creds. */
+        ctx->reply_creds->authdata = ctx->authdata;
+        ctx->authdata = NULL;
+        ctx->state = STATE_COMPLETE;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!IS_TGS_PRINC(context, ctx->reply_creds->server)) {
+        /* We didn't get what we asked or a TGT.  Old versions of Active
+         * Directory can do this.  Try again with canonicalize off. */
+        krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->reply_creds);
+        ctx->reply_creds = NULL;
+        return begin_non_referral(context, ctx);
+    }
+    if (ctx->referral_count == 1) {
+        /* Cache the referral TGT only if it's from the local realm.
+         * Make sure to note the associated authdata, if any. */
+        code = krb5_copy_authdata(context, ctx->authdata,
+                                  &ctx->reply_creds->authdata);
+        if (code != 0)
+            return code;
+        code = krb5_cc_store_cred(context, ctx->ccache, ctx->reply_creds);
+        if (code != 0)
+            return code;
+        /* The authdata is in this TGT and will be copied into subsequent TGTs
+         * or the final credentials, so we don't need to ask for it again. */
+        krb5_free_authdata(context, ctx->in_creds->authdata);
+        ctx->in_creds->authdata = NULL;
+    }
+    if (ctx->referral_count++ >= KRB5_REFERRAL_MAXHOPS) {
+        /* We've gotten too many referral TGTs; it's time to give up. */
         return KRB5_KDC_UNREACH;
+    }
-    assert(ctx->tgtptr != NULL);
+    /* Check for referral loops. */
+    referral_realm = &ctx->reply_creds->server->data[1];
+    if (seen_realm_before(context, ctx, referral_realm))
+        return KRB5_KDC_UNREACH;
+    code = remember_realm(context, ctx, referral_realm);
+    if (code != 0)
+        return code;
-    /* Copy krbtgt realm to server principal */
+    /* Use the referral TGT for the next request. */
+    krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->cur_tgt);
+    ctx->cur_tgt = ctx->reply_creds;
+    ctx->reply_creds = NULL;
+    /* Rewrite the server realm to be the referral realm. */
     krb5_free_data_contents(context, &ctx->server->realm);
-    code = krb5int_copy_data_contents(context,
-                                      &ctx->tgtptr->server->data[1],
+    code = krb5int_copy_data_contents(context, referral_realm,
     if (code != 0)
         return code;
-    ctx->kdcopt = ctx->req_kdcopt | KDC_OPT_CANONICALIZE;
+    /* Generate the next referral request. */
+    return make_request_for_service(context, ctx, TRUE);
-    if (ctx->in_cred.second_ticket.length != 0 &&
-        (ctx->kdcopt & KDC_OPT_CNAME_IN_ADDL_TKT) == 0) {
-        ctx->kdcopt |= KDC_OPT_ENC_TKT_IN_SKEY;
-    }
+ * Begin the referrals request loop.  Expects ctx->cur_tgt to be a TGT for
+ * ctx->realm->server.
+ */
+static krb5_error_code
+begin_referrals(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    ctx->state = STATE_REFERRALS;
+    ctx->referral_count = 1;
-    if ((ctx->flags & KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_CTX_KTYPES) == 0)
-        context->use_conf_ktypes = 1;
+    /* Empty out the realms-seen list for loop checking. */
+    krb5int_free_data_list(context, ctx->realms_seen);
+    ctx->realms_seen = NULL;
-    code = tkt_make_tgs_request(context, ctx, ctx->tgtptr,
-                                &ctx->in_cred, req);
+    /* Generate the first referral request. */
+    return make_request_for_service(context, ctx, TRUE);
-    context->use_conf_ktypes = ctx->default_use_conf_ktypes;
+/***** STATE_GET_TGT_OFFPATH *****/
-    return code;
+ * Foreign TGT acquisition can happen either before the referrals loop, if the
+ * service principal had an explicitly specified foreign realm, or after it
+ * fails, if we wind up using the fallback realm.  end_get_tgt() advances to
+ * the appropriate state depending on which we were doing.
+ */
+static krb5_error_code
+end_get_tgt(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    if (ctx->getting_tgt_for == STATE_REFERRALS)
+        return begin_referrals(context, ctx);
+    else
+        return begin_non_referral(context, ctx);
+ * We enter STATE_GET_TGT_OFFPATH from STATE_GET_TGT if we receive, from one of
+ * the KDCs in the expected path, a TGT for a realm not in the path.  This may
+ * happen if the KDC has a different idea of the expected path than we do.  If
+ * it happens, we repeatedly ask the KDC of the TGT we have for a destination
+ * realm TGT, until we get it, fail, or give up.
+ */
+/* Advance the process of chasing off-path TGTs. */
 static krb5_error_code
-tkt_creds_step_reply(krb5_context context,
-                     krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
-                     krb5_data *rep)
+step_get_tgt_offpath(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
     krb5_error_code code;
-    unsigned int i;
-    krb5_boolean got_tkt = FALSE;
+    const krb5_data *tgt_realm;
-    krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->out_cred);
-    ctx->out_cred = NULL;
+    /* We have no fallback if the last request failed, so just give up. */
+    if (ctx->reply_code != 0)
+        return ctx->reply_code;
-    code = tkt_process_tgs_reply(context, ctx, rep, ctx->tgtptr,
-                                 &ctx->in_cred, &ctx->out_cred);
+    /* Verify that we got a TGT. */
+    if (!IS_TGS_PRINC(context, ctx->reply_creds->server))
+        return KRB5_KDCREP_MODIFIED;
+    /* Use this tgt for the next request. */
+    krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->cur_tgt);
+    ctx->cur_tgt = ctx->reply_creds;
+    ctx->reply_creds = NULL;
+    /* Check if we've seen this realm before, and remember it. */
+    tgt_realm = &ctx->cur_tgt->server->data[1];
+    if (seen_realm_before(context, ctx, tgt_realm))
+        return KRB5_KDC_UNREACH;
+    code = remember_realm(context, ctx, tgt_realm);
     if (code != 0)
+        return code;
+    if (data_eq(*tgt_realm, ctx->server->realm)) {
+        /* We received the server realm TGT we asked for. */
+        return end_get_tgt(context, ctx);
+    } else if (ctx->offpath_count++ >= KRB5_REFERRAL_MAXHOPS) {
+        /* Time to give up. */
+        return KRB5_KDCREP_MODIFIED;
+    }
+    return make_request_for_tgt(context, ctx, &ctx->server->realm);
+/* Begin chasing off-path referrals, starting from ctx->cur_tgt. */
+static krb5_error_code
+begin_get_tgt_offpath(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    ctx->state = STATE_GET_TGT_OFFPATH;
+    ctx->offpath_count = 1;
+    return make_request_for_tgt(context, ctx, &ctx->server->realm);
+/***** STATE_GET_TGT *****/
+ * To obtain a foreign TGT, we first construct a path of realms R1..Rn between
+ * the local realm and the target realm, using krb5_walk_realm_tree().  Usually
+ * this path is based on the domain hierarchy, but it may be altered by
+ * configuration.
+ *
+ * We begin with cur_realm set to the local realm (R1) and next_realm set to
+ * the target realm (Rn).  At each step, we check to see if we have a cached
+ * TGT for next_realm; if not, we ask cur_realm to give us a TGT for
+ * next_realm.  If that fails, we decrement next_realm until we get a
+ * successful answer or reach cur_realm--in which case we've gotten as far as
+ * we can, and have to give up.  If we do get back a TGT, it may or may not be
+ * for the realm we asked for, so we search for it in the path.  The realm of
+ * the TGT we get back becomes cur_realm, and next_realm is reset to the target
+ * realm.  Overall, this is an O(n^2) process in the length of the path, but
+ * the path length will generally be short and the process will usually end
+ * much faster than the worst case.
+ *
+ * In some cases we may get back a realm for a TGT not in the path.  In that
+ * case we enter STATE_GET_TGT_OFFPATH.
+ */
+/* Initialize the realm path fields for getting a TGT for
+ * ctx->server->realm. */
+static krb5_error_code
+init_realm_path(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    krb5_error_code code;
+    krb5_principal *tgt_princ_list = NULL;
+    krb5_data *realm_path;
+    size_t nrealms, i;
+    /* Make sure we're actually trying to acquire a foreign TGT. */
+    if (data_eq(ctx->client->realm, ctx->server->realm))
+        return KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND;
+    /* Construct a list of TGT principals from client to server.  We will throw
+     * this away after grabbing the remote realms from each principal. */
+    code = krb5_walk_realm_tree(context, &ctx->client->realm,
+                                &ctx->server->realm,
+                                &tgt_princ_list, KRB5_REALM_BRANCH_CHAR);
+    if (code != 0)
+        return code;
+    /* Count the number of principals and allocate the realm path. */
+    for (nrealms = 0; tgt_princ_list[nrealms]; nrealms++);
+    assert(nrealms > 1);
+    realm_path = k5alloc((nrealms + 1) * sizeof(*realm_path), &code);
+    if (realm_path == NULL)
         goto cleanup;
-    /*
-     * Referral request succeeded; let's see what it is
-     */
-    if (krb5_principal_compare(context, ctx->server, ctx->out_cred->server)) {
-        /*
-         * Check if the return enctype is one that we requested if
-         * needed.
-         */
-        if (ctx->default_use_conf_ktypes || context->tgs_etypes == NULL)
-            got_tkt = TRUE;
-        else
-            for (i = 0; context->tgs_etypes[i] != ENCTYPE_NULL; i++) {
-                if (ctx->out_cred->keyblock.enctype == context->tgs_etypes[i]) {
-                    /* Found an allowable etype, so we're done */
-                    got_tkt = TRUE;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
+    /* Steal the remote realm field from each TGT principal. */
+    for (i = 0; i < nrealms; i++) {
+        assert(tgt_princ_list[i]->length == 2);
+        realm_path[i] = tgt_princ_list[i]->data[1];
+        tgt_princ_list[i]->data[1].data = NULL;
+    }
+    realm_path[nrealms] = empty_data();
-        if (got_tkt == FALSE)
-            ctx->flags |= KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_CTX_KTYPES; /* try again */
-    } else if (IS_TGS_PRINC(context, ctx->out_cred->server)) {
-        krb5_data *r1, *r2;
+    /* Initialize the realm path fields in ctx. */
+    ctx->realm_path = realm_path;
+    ctx->last_realm = realm_path + nrealms - 1;
+    ctx->cur_realm = realm_path;
+    ctx->next_realm = ctx->last_realm;
+    realm_path = NULL;
-        if (ctx->referral_count == 0)
-            r1 = &ctx->tgtptr->server->data[1];
-        else
-            r1 = &ctx->referral_tgts[ctx->referral_count - 1]->server->data[1];
+    krb5_free_realm_tree(context, tgt_princ_list);
+    return 0;
-        r2 = &ctx->out_cred->server->data[1];
-        if (data_eq(*r1, *r2)) {
-            code = KRB5_KDC_UNREACH;
-            goto cleanup;
-        }
+/* Find realm within the portion of ctx->realm_path following
+ * ctx->cur_realm.  Return NULL if it is not found. */
+static const krb5_data *
+find_realm_in_path(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+                   const krb5_data *realm)
+    const krb5_data *r;
-        /* Check for referral routing loop. */
-        for (i = 0; i < ctx->referral_count; i++) {
-            if (krb5_principal_compare(context,
-                                       ctx->out_cred->server,
-                                       ctx->referral_tgts[i]->server)) {
-                code = KRB5_KDC_UNREACH;
-                goto cleanup;
-            }
+    for (r = ctx->cur_realm + 1; r->data != NULL; r++) {
+        if (data_eq(*r, *realm))
+            return r;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+ * Generate the next request in the path traversal.  If a cached TGT for the
+ * target realm appeared in the ccache since we started the TGT acquisition
+ * process, tihs function may invoke end_get_tgt().
+ */
+static krb5_error_code
+get_tgt_request(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    krb5_error_code code;
+    krb5_creds *cached_tgt;
+    while (1) {
+        /* Check if we have a cached TGT for the target realm. */
+        code = get_cached_tgt(context, ctx, ctx->next_realm, &cached_tgt);
+        if (code != 0)
+            return code;
+        if (cached_tgt != NULL) {
+            /* Advance the current realm and keep going. */
+            krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->cur_tgt);
+            ctx->cur_tgt = cached_tgt;
+            if (ctx->next_realm == ctx->last_realm)
+                return end_get_tgt(context, ctx);
+            ctx->cur_realm = ctx->next_realm;
+            ctx->next_realm = ctx->last_realm;
+            continue;
-        /* Point current tgt pointer at newly-received TGT. */
-        ctx->tgtptr = ctx->out_cred;
-        /* avoid multiple copies of authdata */
-        ctx->out_cred->authdata = ctx->in_cred.authdata;
-        ctx->in_cred.authdata = NULL;
+        return make_request_for_tgt(context, ctx, ctx->next_realm);
+    }
-        ctx->referral_tgts[ctx->referral_count++] = ctx->out_cred;
-        ctx->out_cred = NULL;
+/* Process a TGS reply and advance the path traversal to get a foreign TGT. */
+static krb5_error_code
+step_get_tgt(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    krb5_error_code code;
+    const krb5_data *tgt_realm, *path_realm;
+    if (ctx->reply_code != 0) {
+        /* The last request failed.  Try the next-closest realm to
+         * ctx->cur_realm. */
+        ctx->next_realm--;
+        if (ctx->next_realm == ctx->cur_realm) {
+            /* We've tried all the realms we could and couldn't progress beyond
+             * ctx->cur_realm, so it's time to give up. */
+            return ctx->reply_code;
+        }
     } else {
-        code = KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_NO_TGT;
-    }
+        /* Verify that we got a TGT. */
+        if (!IS_TGS_PRINC(context, ctx->reply_creds->server))
+            return KRB5_KDCREP_MODIFIED;
-    assert(ctx->tgtptr == NULL || code == 0);
+        /* Use this tgt for the next request regardless of what it is. */
+        krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->cur_tgt);
+        ctx->cur_tgt = ctx->reply_creds;
+        ctx->reply_creds = NULL;
-    if (code == 0 && got_tkt == TRUE) {
-        krb5_free_principal(context, ctx->out_cred->server);
-        ctx->out_cred->server = ctx->req_server;
-        ctx->req_server = NULL;
+        /* Remember that we saw this realm. */
+        tgt_realm = &ctx->cur_tgt->server->data[1];
+        code = remember_realm(context, ctx, tgt_realm);
+        if (code != 0)
+            return code;
-        if (ctx->in_cred.authdata != NULL) {
-            code = krb5_copy_authdata(context, ctx->in_cred.authdata,
-                                      &ctx->out_cred->authdata);
+        /* See where we wound up on the path (or off it). */
+        path_realm = find_realm_in_path(context, ctx, tgt_realm);
+        if (path_realm != NULL) {
+            /* We got a realm on the expected path, so we can cache it. */
+            code = krb5_cc_store_cred(context, ctx->ccache, ctx->cur_tgt);
+            if (code != 0)
+                return code;
+            if (path_realm == ctx->last_realm) {
+                /* We received a TGT for the target realm. */
+                return end_get_tgt(context, ctx);
+            } else if (path_realm != NULL) {
+                /* We still have further to go; advance the traversal. */
+                ctx->cur_realm = path_realm;
+                ctx->next_realm = ctx->last_realm;
+            }
+        } else if (data_eq(*tgt_realm, ctx->client->realm)) {
+            /* We were referred back to the local realm, which is bad. */
+            return KRB5_KDCREP_MODIFIED;
+        } else {
+            /* We went off the path; start the off-path chase. */
+            return begin_get_tgt_offpath(context, ctx);
-        ctx->flags |= KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_COMPLETE;
-    return code;
+    /* Generate the next request in the path traversal. */
+    return get_tgt_request(context, ctx);
-krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
-krb5_tkt_creds_step(krb5_context context,
-                    krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
-                    krb5_data *in,
-                    krb5_data *out,
-                    krb5_data *realm,
-                    unsigned int *flags)
+ * Begin the process of getting a foreign TGT, either for the explicitly
+ * specified server realm or for the fallback realm.  Expects that
+ * ctx->server->realm is the realm of the desired TGT, and that
+ * ctx->getting_tgt_for is the state we should advance to after we have the
+ * desired TGT.
+ */
+static krb5_error_code
+begin_get_tgt(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
-    krb5_error_code code, code2;
+    krb5_error_code code;
+    krb5_creds *cached_tgt;
-    *flags = 0;
+    ctx->state = STATE_GET_TGT;
-    out->data = NULL;
-    out->length = 0;
+    /* See if we have a cached TGT for the server realm. */
+    code = get_cached_tgt(context, ctx, &ctx->server->realm, &cached_tgt);
+    if (code != 0)
+        return code;
+    if (cached_tgt != NULL) {
+        krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->cur_tgt);
+        ctx->cur_tgt = cached_tgt;
+        return end_get_tgt(context, ctx);
+    }
-    realm->data = NULL;
-    realm->length = 0;
+    /* Initialize the realm path. */
+    code = init_realm_path(context, ctx);
+    if (code != 0)
+        return code;
-    if (ctx->flags & KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_COMPLETE)
-        goto cleanup;
+    /* Start with the local tgt. */
+    krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->cur_tgt);
+    ctx->cur_tgt = NULL;
+    code = get_cached_tgt(context, ctx, &ctx->client->realm, &ctx->cur_tgt);
+    if (code != 0)
+        return code;
+    if (ctx->cur_tgt == NULL)
+        return KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND;
-    if (in != NULL && in->length != 0) {
-        code = tkt_creds_step_reply(context, ctx, in);
-        if (code == KRB5KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG) {
-            code2 = krb5int_copy_data_contents(context,
-                                               &ctx->encoded_previous_request,
-                                               out);
-            if (code2 != 0)
-                code = code2;
-            goto copy_realm;
-        }
-        if (code != 0 || (ctx->flags & KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_COMPLETE))
-            goto cleanup;
+    /* Empty out the realms-seen list for loop checking. */
+    krb5int_free_data_list(context, ctx->realms_seen);
+    ctx->realms_seen = NULL;
+    /* Generate the first request. */
+    return get_tgt_request(context, ctx);
+/***** STATE_BEGIN *****/
+static krb5_error_code
+begin(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    krb5_creds *server_tgt;
+    krb5_error_code code;
+    /* If the server realm is unspecified, start with the client realm. */
+    if (krb5_is_referral_realm(&ctx->server->realm)) {
+        krb5_free_data_contents(context, &ctx->server->realm);
+        code = krb5int_copy_data_contents(context, &ctx->client->realm,
+                                          &ctx->server->realm);
+        if (code != 0)
+            return code;
-    code = tkt_creds_step_request(context, ctx, out);
-    if (code != 0)
+    /* Obtain a TGT for the service realm. */
+    ctx->getting_tgt_for = STATE_REFERRALS;
+    return begin_get_tgt(context, ctx);
+/***** API functions *****/
+krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
+krb5_tkt_creds_init(krb5_context context, krb5_ccache ccache,
+                    krb5_creds *in_creds, int kdcopt,
+                    krb5_tkt_creds_context *pctx)
+    krb5_error_code code;
+    krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx = NULL;
+    ctx = k5alloc(sizeof(*ctx), &code);
+    if (ctx == NULL)
         goto cleanup;
-    assert(out->length != 0);
+    ctx->state = STATE_BEGIN;
-    code = krb5int_copy_data_contents(context,
-                                      out,
-                                      &ctx->encoded_previous_request);
+    code = krb5_copy_creds(context, in_creds, &ctx->in_creds);
     if (code != 0)
         goto cleanup;
-    code2 = krb5int_copy_data_contents(context, &ctx->server->realm, realm);
-    if (code2 != 0) {
-        code = code2;
+    ctx->client = ctx->in_creds->client;
+    ctx->server = ctx->in_creds->server;
+    code = krb5_copy_principal(context, ctx->server, &ctx->req_server);
+    if (code != 0)
         goto cleanup;
-    }
+    /* XXX Make an alias for now; use krb5_cc_dup later. */
+    ctx->ccache = ccache;
+    ctx->req_kdcopt = kdcopt;
+    code = krb5_copy_authdata(context, in_creds->authdata, &ctx->authdata);
+    if (code != 0)
+        goto cleanup;
+    *pctx = ctx;
+    ctx = NULL;
-    *flags = (ctx->flags & KRB5_TKT_CREDS_STEP_FLAG_COMPLETE);
+    krb5_tkt_creds_free(context, ctx);
     return code;
+krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
+krb5_tkt_creds_get_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+                         krb5_creds *creds)
+    if (ctx->state != STATE_COMPLETE)
+        return KRB5_NO_TKT_SUPPLIED;
+    return krb5int_copy_creds_contents(context, ctx->reply_creds, creds);
+/* Store credentials in credentials cache.  If ccache is NULL, the
+ * credentials cache associated with the context is used. */
+krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
+krb5_tkt_creds_store_creds(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+                           krb5_ccache ccache)
+    if (ctx->state != STATE_COMPLETE)
+        return KRB5_NO_TKT_SUPPLIED;
+    if (ccache == NULL)
+        ccache = ctx->ccache;
+    return krb5_cc_store_cred(context, ccache, ctx->reply_creds);
+krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
+krb5_tkt_creds_get_times(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+                         krb5_ticket_times *times)
+    if (ctx->state != STATE_COMPLETE)
+        return KRB5_NO_TKT_SUPPLIED;
+    *times = ctx->reply_creds->times;
+    return 0;
+krb5_tkt_creds_free(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx)
+    if (ctx == NULL)
+        return;
+    krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->in_creds);
+    krb5_free_principal(context, ctx->req_server);
+    krb5_free_authdata(context, ctx->authdata);
+    krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->cur_tgt);
+    krb5int_free_data_list(context, ctx->realms_seen);
+    krb5_free_keyblock(context, ctx->subkey);
+    krb5_free_data_contents(context, &ctx->previous_request);
+    krb5int_free_data_list(context, ctx->realm_path);
+    krb5_free_creds(context, ctx->reply_creds);
+    free(ctx);
+krb5_error_code KRB5_CALLCONV
+krb5_tkt_creds_step(krb5_context context, krb5_tkt_creds_context ctx,
+                    krb5_data *in, krb5_data *out, krb5_data *realm,
+                    unsigned int *flags)
+    krb5_error_code code;
+    krb5_boolean no_input = (in == NULL || in->length == 0);
+    *out = empty_data();
+    *realm = empty_data();
+    *flags = 0;
+    /* We should receive an empty input on the first step only, and should not
+     * get called after completion. */
+    if (no_input != (ctx->state == STATE_BEGIN) ||
+        ctx->state == STATE_COMPLETE)
+        return EINVAL;
+    ctx->caller_out = out;
+    ctx->caller_realm = realm;
+    ctx->caller_flags = flags;
+    if (!no_input) {
+        /* Convert the input token into a credential and store it in ctx. */
+        code = get_creds_from_tgs_reply(context, ctx, in);
+        if (code != 0)
+            return code;
+    }
+    if (ctx->state == STATE_BEGIN)
+        return begin(context, ctx);
+    else if (ctx->state == STATE_GET_TGT)
+        return step_get_tgt(context, ctx);
+    else if (ctx->state == STATE_GET_TGT_OFFPATH)
+        return step_get_tgt_offpath(context, ctx);
+    else if (ctx->state == STATE_REFERRALS)
+        return step_referrals(context, ctx);
+    else if (ctx->state == STATE_NON_REFERRAL)
+        return step_non_referral(context, ctx);
+    else
+        return EINVAL;

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